RRNews 259: It’s over for boosters, but not for Pfizer

The narrative is falling apart, but is it really over? Christian school shutdown for lack of masks on toddlers, meanwhile the CDC admits the state of comorbidities. Rand Paul tears apart Fauci (again), Jake Tapper and Sanjay are allowed to speak truth.

Producers of RRNews 259:

Anonymous – Quebec, Canada
Erik – Chisholm, MN
Nick – Grand Haven, MI
Khyle – Newton, MA
Danny – Medford, OR
Kyle – Kent, WA
Ashley – Parts Unknown


Pfizer CEO tells Yahoo that 2 doses (previously referred to as a *full* regimen) offers “little protection, if any”

House of Cards

If you are a vaccine company executive, it’s time to slam the brakes

Boosters are over

There’s a News Blackout on the Fed’s Naming of the Banks that Got Its Emergency Repo Loans; Some Journalists Appear to Be Under Gag Orders

Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination

Christian Preschool Shutdown over Masks

Internal hospital data confirm a huge increase in patients with vaccine side effects in 2021

Schizer | Because We Care (About Our Profits)

Funny story: the Chinese want NOTHING to do with mRNA Covid vaccines. (Xi, I wonder why.)

Exclusive: Autopsy Confirms 26-Year-Old’s Death From Myocarditis Directly Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right – by Brian Cates

Great report from @OANN’s @ChanelRion on the arrest of Hunter Biden’s ‘close friend’.

Here’s the clip dude is a snake

Dr David Martin Weaponization Of Coronavirus

Albany, NY – Rally At The New York Capitol

Experience Surfside condo as it stood and as it collapsed

Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body by 2030

Terahertz Wireless Technology for 5G and beyond

WOW @RandPaul is not holding back any punches against Dr. Fauci!

Who is Ray Epps?

CNN’s Jake Tapper rips into “misleading” COVID hospitalization numbers.

Holy Cow: major bombshell by the CDC Director – “75% of deaths occurred in those with at least 4 comorbidities”

Who owns Vanguard?


Pfizer upgraded to buy at BofA as Paxlovid likely to offset patent expiration concerns

RRNews 258: There is a Coordinated Attack (and its not Jan.6)

The President wants us to remember the fake events that took place on 6th, but not to look at the coordinated attack happening before our eyes. Aaron Rodgers is still awesome, but Djokovic is being persecuted. Ghislaine is guilty, but will Prince Andrew serve any time?

Producers of RRNews 258:

Zane – Waterford, MI
Shawn – Parts Unknown
Matthew – Burlington, ON Canada
Autumn – Snoqulamie, WA
Danny – Medford, OR
Gretchen – Oklahoma City, OK


Andrew’s Substack

Speaking Freely

Secret settlement between Virginia Giuffre and Jeffrey Epstein

Bill Gates is a pedophile

OneAmerica Life Insurance CEO Scott Davison

Why was Pfizer partnering with the Chinese Communist Party’s platform for vaccine passports & social credit scores the year before the COVID-19 pandemic started?

Let’s go back in time to 3/29/21

Novak Djokovic appeals Australia’s visa cancellation following controversy over COVID-19 vaccine exemption to play at the Australian Open

A guy nobody knows named Hub Arkush declared he won’t vote Aaron Rodgers for NFL MVP to get himself attention.

Had a video ever aged so well in modern history?

Looking for 200 hundred families to form a tribe in the mountains of N.C.

The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s Statement on Therapies for High-Risk, Nonhospitalized Patients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19

“There is no autism epidemic”—a pernicious falsehood

Happy New Year: A Poem.

Jesse Kelly on Moving

New Zealand Crazy Lady.

I had covid for the 2nd time after getting vaxxed

British Heart Foundation ad features a young girl who has a heart attack while playing football.

RRNews 257: 2021 in Review | Happy New Year!

In this episode Tim and Andrew count down their Top 3 stories of 2021 and look forward to 2022. Happy New Year everyone!

Producers of RRNews 257:

Ed – Waxhaw, NC
John – Swallowfield, Berkshire UK
Mathieu – Castelo branco, Portugal
Danny – Medford, OR
Kenneth – Lanse, PA
Emilie – Parts Unknown
Devin – Parts Unknown


New World Next Year 2022

David Martin on Trump and Fauci

“The Empty Fence”…. (Pastor Artur Pawlowski)

How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude, and COVID ignited the fuse.

Facebook, Instagram were down for six hours

Biden’s Speech on Vaccine Mandates and the Delta Variant

RRNews 256: Merry Christmas (late)

Christmas is not cancelled but Richard Gage got fired. RFK Jr. used to be a good democrat, now he’s a dirty anti-vaxxer. Covid has killed some people, the vaccine has killed more, but fetanyl has killed waaaay more.

Producers of RRNews 256:

Danny – Medford, OR
Ian – Attadale, Western Australia


Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

Bannon Obliterates Whiny Jim Cramer

Christmas Is NOT Cancelled: My 2021 Holiday Message

Scandal in Germany – YouTube

Richard Gage gets fired by Architects and Engineers

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks Out on Uncle’s Assassination, Says He Believes ‘It Was Not a Lone Gunman’

Klaus Schwab

US Air Force Focused on Wokeness While Russia and China Make Threats Against the Country

America’s Frontline Doctors Vow to Open Its Own Clinics and Invites Medical Staff and Pharmacists to Join Them

Dr. David Martin – Covid Revealed, Part 1

Fauci says he would prescribe Hydroxychloroquine

Jack Dorsey blocked by Marc Andreessen

COVID Effectively Eradicated In Population of 241 Million

Steve Bannon: Omicron is Nature’s Vaccine

Mike Adams on Charles Lieber

The Associated Press put out a hit piece on RFK Jr.

They admit it’s not a vac-c-ine and that they had to lie to get you to take it.

Kamran Abbasi appointed as editor in chief of The BMJ

RFK Jr. debate with Jake Tapper

How RFK Jr. went from “a good guy” to an “anti-vaxxer”

Oklahoma files lawsuit over National Guard COVID-19 vaccine mandate

How to Stay Safe When Traveling and Gathering With Family This Holiday Season | Labcorp

You could store a Covid vaccine passport on a microchip implant

Fentanyl Overdoses Become Leading Cause of Death in 18- to 45-Year-Olds

Charlamagne vs. Kamala

RRNews 255: Weather Modification and Pro Meat Mandates

Zuby doesn’t think Covid deaths are the most important, while Pfizer CEO is planning to make sure you take your medicine. Tornados rage across the Midwest in the middle of the night, which is totally normal. We cannot watch Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, and don’t pay attention to the alarming IVF issues.

Producers for episode 255:

Danny – Medford, OR


Last American Vagabond

Open Letter to Democratic Party

Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans

Cold weather US states struggling to hire snowplow drivers

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers grill FBI agents on accusers’ accounts of sex abuse

Tornado victims include seven members of Kentucky family | AP News

Greater Good

Zuby on Covid Deaths

US Modified The Weather During The Vietnam War

Rob Schneider

Extreme heat leads to ‘unprecedented’ weather threat

IVF clinics started having serious problems right after the vaccines started rolling out

The new normal: dying in your sleep

Vaccinated BYU Starting Center — I will miss the rest of season due to ‘heart damage’

Consequences of Compulsion

Mask Freedom in Oregon

Pfizer CEO Bourla

Studies Proving Generic Drugs Can Fight COVID

“Supply Issues” Pause UK Ivermectin Trial

Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early

Ladies and Gentlemen, Francis Collins, your director of the NIH.

German Schools

Why I am Proud to Wear the “Anti-Vaxx” Label

Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine

Vaccine Shedding – The Crux Of The Matter

Unmask Oregon – Mask-erade Shopping Event

Where Do You Stand? | Kunstler

Allegory of the Monk

There once lived a sincere and devout monk. In his search to gain clarity he entered the woods
and lived as a hermit for a couple years. During that time he read scriptures, philosophies, and
theologies about life, God and man’s place in the world. After spending so much time apart he
realized that true spirituality cannot be obtained alone, for the body is not just the head, or the
foot, or arm. True spirituality is the body together glorifying God. So with this epiphany he left
his hut and carried his books and few other belongings back to the city from whence he came.
Upon reaching the city it did not take long for him to realize that much had changed in the
years he had been absent from civilization. First of all, people seemed to be wary of making
eye contact. Then he noticed that people seemed to be very suspicious of him and move
away when he tried to shake hands or talk. Finally, he noticed that they seemed to cover their
faces, perform ritualistic hand ceremonies, and demand to see evidence that he had performed
a blood ritual. Confused by the this new world that he had stumbled upon he struggled to
make sense of what he beheld. Had he been gone that long? What was the meaning of the
customs he witnessed? Surely, clarity could be found among the people of God, after all this is
why he had returned, to be a part of the Body.
Slowly walking the streets he took inventory of his surroundings. The traffic seemed to be the
same, the houses similar, and the dogs barked with the same incessant excitement as always.
What was the reason for the customs he had observed among the people he encountered?
Finally, he arrived at his old residence. There he engaged with a brother who welcomed him
back, although he remained far off, resisted an embrace, and he too hid his face and glared at
the hermit-monk incredulously. The words seemed genuine although the behaviour betrayed
the positive remarks.
“Well then, shall gather with the church?” inquired the hermit-monk.
“Certainly!” was the reply. “However, much has changed since you wandered off, and it would
be appreciated if you followed the protocols now established.”
“I shall do my best, although I have noticed several things I do not understand and if you’d be
so kind to enlighten me on the why each custom is done I would be truly grateful.”
The two started out but right off the civilized monk informed the hermit monk that he must
cover his face before they could proceed together. Confused why he should partake in such a
custom the hermit-monk – whose name in fact was Joshua – puzzled “do not be offended my
dear fellow, but why is it that I must adorn this article upon my face?’
The civilized monk – whose name in fact was Eli – patiently explained that since he had
abandoned society, a great and terrible virus had come upon not only their city but the entire
world. Fearing to accidentally contract or transmit this disease required many reasonable
measures such as covering their face.
“So it is our of fear of this virus that we must do this? What is the disease’s name?” Joshua
“The virus’s name is SARS-CoV-2, but we simply refer to it by its disease name COVID,”
responded Eli, quite happy to bring his ignorant friend up to speed.
“So it is for the fear of Covid then, that we wear the mask?” Joshua summarized.
“In a simplified way, sure,’ retorted Eli.
When they arrived at the place of worship, many changes were in place. The sign out front
said the all welcome for the first service, although very limited numbers would be allowed, but
the second service would have no such limitations on numbers, as long as you could prove a
blood ritual had been performed. But why the blood ritual?
“It is to ensure you do not pass the virus.”
“But I thought the face coverings did that?”
“This is better.”
“Then you haven’t had the ritual, since you still cover your face?”
“Of course I have done the blood ritual, I love my neighbour. But you can still transmit the virus
even with the blood ritual, so you must still cover your face.”
“Hmm”, mused Joshua. “Well then I am glad we are at the first meeting for I am unfamiliar with
this sacrifice.”
“Present your fore-head or hand,” instructed the greeter pointing a temperature gun at Joshua.
“Is this for fear of Covid as well?” the hermit-monk surmised.
“Greetings brother!” Shouted Joshua as tried to embrace an old friend.
“Six feet!” came the rebuke.
“For the fear of Covid?”
Finally it was time to for the music to begin. Joshua was so excited to participate in corporate
worship having spent so much time in isolation. He jumped to his feet and belted out the
“Quiet!” Eli scolded. “You are not allowed to sing any longer.”
“For the fear of COVID I presume?”
The message repeated strange concepts hypnotically repeating terms like “new normal”,
“pandemic” and the “greater good” with a duty of compliance to these concepts as a form of
rendering unto Caesar. The justification for all this was the fear of COVID. After the message
the breaking of bread was mentioned but not partaken for, the fear of COVID. Finally, all
attendants ensured little conversation was undertaken indoors for, the fear of COVID.
The walk back to the house Joshua remained very silent (something he was accustomed to
doing but was surprised to find that even after not speaking with someone for so long he could
not engage in much discourse with his friend). Later that evening he sombrely approached his
“Who is it you serve and dedicate your life too?” Joshua asked the civilized monk.
“Why God alone, of course,” Eli replied.
“Your lips honour him, but your heart is far from him. You are a white-washed tomb, you are
sterile and serene but I see death and decay inside. You claim to serve God alone, but I ask
you. All the actions you did or didn’t do today that once were, they were for the fear of COVID
were they not?” Implored Joshua.
“Yes, in a manner of speaking I suppose so,” Eli conceded.
“Well then, Deuteronomy 32:17 says ‘They offered sacrifices to demons, which are not God, to
gods they had not known before, to new gods only recently arrived, to gods their ancestors
had never feared.’ You fear this, recently arrived god. You cover your face, distance yourself,
refuse to embrace, segregate the congregation, restrict singing in the congregation, demand
proof of blood rituals, don’t partake in the Lord’s supper, and on-and-on, for the fear of COVID.
I assure you had the body of Christ’s Fear of the Lord been a fraction of its Fear of COVID the
great commission would have been accomplished many times over. Deuteronomy 32:5-6
declares ““But they have acted corruptly toward him when they act so perversely, are they
really his children? They are a deceitful and twisted generation. Is this the way you repay the
LORD, you foolish and senseless people? Isn’t he your Father who created you? Has he not
made you and established you?’ Also, Isaiah 10:1,2 “Woe to those who enact unjust statutes
And to those who constantly record harmful decisions, So as to deprive the needy of justice
And rob the poor among My people of their rights,’. Proverbs 10:27 ‘The fear of the LORD
prolongs life, But the years of the wicked will be shortened.’”
Eli clearly appalled by the anti-science and ignorant tone, answered with the mantra he had
been taught for such occasions. “You’re a conspiracy theorists and cannot be trusted!”
“‘Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor
be in dread.’ Isaiah 8:12. You are not to dread and fear what they fear, for ‘For God hath not
given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7’ You
think by complying you will attain your freedom, do you not know these are “promising them
freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what anyone is overcome, by
this he is enslaved. 2 Peter 2:19 ‘Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He
Himself likewise also partook of the same, so that through death He might destroy the one who
has the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who through fear of death were
subject to slavery all their lives.’ Hebrews 2:14-15 Why do you return to your vomit when Christ
has destroyed the power of death you choose to return to Egypt and be subject to slavery all
your life through the fear of death? “Fear of the LORD is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape
from the snares of death.’ Proverbs 14:27. Where is this live-giving fountain? It is the only
escape from the snare of death, Fear of the Lord and not fear of the this recently arrived god.
But I do no say these things to accuse rather it is Christ who says ‘These things I have spoken
to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I
have overcome the world.’ John 16:33”. ‘To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our
Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.’
Jude 1:25

RRNews 254: We’re back! (Almost)

RFK Jr. uncovers the Real Anthony Fauci and RFK Jr. knows James Corbett. There appears to be tons of toxic vaccine batches, but don’t pay attention to that. Kamala knows about the economy and we are due for a huge earth quake.

Producers of RRNews 254:

Kyle – Kent, WA
Danny – Medford, OR
Erik – Chisholm, MN
Suzanne – Parts Unknown
Kathy – Parts Unknown
Tony – Suisun City, CA
Cody – Murphy, TX
John – Berkshire, UK
Matthew – Burlington ON 
Shawn – Parts Unknown
Autumn – Snoqualmie, WA


RFK JR – Corbett Report

The Great Philippine Earthquake

Kamala on Inflation

Snippet from Biontech in 2019

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase

Suzanne Humphreys classic

Highly Disturbing VAERS Analysis: Clear patterns in toxic vaccine batches

VAERS Analysis: 1 in 200 vaccine batches has more than 1000x adverse events!

Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release

Scandal in Slovenia

Steve Kirsch on 14 Children Dead After the Jab

Latest devastating news on the vaccine

Biden is highly likely vaccine injured

Parents Sacrifice Hundreds of Thousands of Children Ages 5 to 11 to the COVID-19 Vaccine Gods This Weekend

We’re Killing Our Kids

Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death


Excellent Rant about Vaccine Passports

Kamala the Economist Explains Inflation

Growth of Electric Vehicles Endangering Rain Forest

Wired Propaganda

Missing Seattle fire chief’s body found near Cliffdell

Obituary | Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata of Gilroy

Tony aka The Roof Korean on Twitter

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing

CDC data: Autism rates vary by location, but more children being diagnosed earlier in US

Anti-police Seattle led to an innocent father’s death – as his son looked on

Cops Opens Gate

Pharma fascism operates at the subconscious level

WATCH: Mild Mannered Podcaster Tim Pool Erupts With Explosive Rant Shocking Everyone

WSJ News Exclusive | Zillow Sells 2,000 Homes in Dismantling Its House-Flipping Business

The Best States to Live in and Move to (if You’re Contemplating a Mass Exodus from Your State)

‘I Thought Black Lives Mattered’: Congressional Candidate Rips Vaccine Mandates

Self-Sufficient Healthcare (for Covid)

By:  Terry Hart

If you are staying informed about what has been occurring in US hospitals in recent months, you will have heard many nightmarish first-hand accounts of deadly mistreatment and neglect.  Thankfully, there are a minority of courageous doctors that truly care about people who are saying that we should do everything in our power to avoid hospital “care”.[i]  As with almost all aspects of our lives these days, healthcare is one area where you would be wise to work toward being as self-sufficient as possible.  This begins with getting informed about how to stay healthy and what to do when you get sick.  My prayer is that you or someone you love will be helped by this article about my recent success in achieving a remarkably quick recovery from a serious illness.  Of course, human health is extremely complex, and there is no way to be sure that what heals one person will heal others in the same way.  It would be ideal to not only do your own health research, but also to work with a Naturopathic Doctor and possibly a trusted MD that is referred to you by your ND.

Before going into the details of how I recovered so quickly from my recent illness, I should share some of what led up to it.  I learned decades ago to not have complete trust in what my many doctors (at least dozen of them) were telling me.  In the 1990s I began to suffer from ulcerative colitis.  My mother who was an attorney, was also spending countless hours becoming an expert in natural healthcare.  She recommended that I take MSM (a sulfur supplement) to help with my serious digestive condition.  It did help me, especially when I worked my way up to taking an extra-large dose of 10k to 15k milligrams (4-5 times the standard dose).  After a few weeks of this I noticed a few additional health effects.  I had increased energy, for the first time ever I had no hay fever in the spring, and most amazingly I experienced what seemed to permanent healing of my scarred lungs.  My lungs were scarred from two previous winters of getting pneumonia and bronchitis.  Supposedly, once you have gotten a serious lung infection like pneumonia or bronchitis you will always be more likely to get these infections again due to the scars left by the previous congestion.  The softening and healing of scar tissue is a known effect of MSM.  I believe that the damage to my lungs was healed because I felt like I could breathe deeper than ever; every breath now felt like I was intentionally taking a deep breath of cool air.  Also, for the following 22 years I never even got a bad cough, and previously I don’t think I had ever gone much more than a year or two without getting a bad cough.  I learned two great lessons from this MSM experience.  First, I could not trust my doctors to always have the knowledge or motivation to do what was best for me.  Second, that there was potentially great benefit by researching and trying some things on my own.  It also became clear to me that if MSM was not a low-cost supplement, but was patentable by big pharma, then it would have immediately been well known and at the top of the list of best-selling drugs.  One word of caution about MSM—it is a mild pain killer and when you consider the energy boosting effect, you need to be careful about injuring yourself with too much physical activity if taking a high dose.  Also, if you decide to try it, be sure to start with a minimal dose to be sure you tolerate it since some people do not react well to sulfur.  If this anecdote is not encouraging enough for you to keep searching for answers, let me tell you that my colitis came back with a vengeance several years later, and this time MSM did not help.  I saw many GI doctors that told me that I had to expect lifelong medication and maybe even surgery to manage my symptoms.  I kept resisting both solutions by trying alternatives.  It was at the point where I had almost given up any hope of finding any solution when a nutritionist joined my church and let me know about the SCD Diet.[ii]  One year of following this strict diet, about 12 years ago, has permanently cured my colitis.  Sadly, I remember asking at least one GI doctor if diet had anything to do with my problem and I was told that food choices had nothing to do with colitis, and not surprisingly none of my GI doctors promoted diet change as a way to help my condition.    

Fast forwarding to the Covid years–I managed to get through all of 2020 and most of this year without any significant illness.  However, after flying back from Florida in late August I got sick with something that surprisingly infected my lungs.  All of my usual methods like taking good doses of quality supplements were not helping.  I even took HCQ for 5 days just in case is was Covid, but without a noticeable effect.  Based on my symptoms, it seems that I had walking pneumonia (according to my Prescription for Nutritional Healing book[iii]).  It worsened to the point where I could not walk at normal pace without great difficulty breathing.  I had heard from a few trusted sources that many who were sick with Covid were having success with nebulizers and diffusers (or humidifiers) by adding food grade hydrogen peroxide to the water.  With just a little searching online I found an informative article that included measurements for creating a concentration of 0.1% hydrogen peroxide in saline.[iv]  This information comes from Dr. Joseph Mercola who is someone I’ve been buying high quality supplements from and reading for many years.  He was the first one listed on the “Disinformation Dozen” according to the pharma-funded media, so I take this as a strong endorsement that he is a valuable source truth about health.  As described in the article, I created my own saline by simply adding on teaspoon of sea salt to 1 pint of water.  I was not able to find a nebulizer at a local store, so I opted for a humidifier so that I could get started immediately.  After about an hour of reading reviews and specs I decided that the best option was the cool mist ultrasonic version.[v]   A nebulizer would probably work even faster since the nebulized air is breathed in directly and sealed with a face covering.  This is inconvenient to do for a long period of time, whereas the humidifier in an enclosed bedroom will allow you to breathe the therapeutic hydrogen peroxide infused saline mist as long as you stay in the room and keep the humidifier replenished with H peroxide saline solution.  When the humidifier tank is completely filled, it will run for well over 8 hours, so I just filled it and let it run with my bedroom door closed when I went to sleep each night.  After the first night of doing this my breathing and cough were about 60-70% better.  After the second night I was about 90% back to normal.  I did 2-3 more nights for good measure since toward the evening of each day my cough start coming back.  So, in 4-5 days I went from dangerous shortness of breath and an uncontrollable cough to full recovery.  I am not sure what the mist looks like if you use only water in the machine, but with the H peroxide saline solution you will notice that a very dense fog is created, and it has a bit of a smell.  Also, be aware that some smoke alarms will be triggered by this fog.  I should note that for most of the last two decades I’ve been taking an MSM maintenance does of 1,000 to 3,000 mg.  Briefly during my recent illness I bumped that up to 10,000 mg, but since MSM is very slow to work, I believe that this higher temporary high dose was not responsible for my sudden recovery.  MSM takes several days if not weeks to have a cumulative effect, and the effects continue for at least several days if you completely stop taking it.


[i] https://usawatchdog.com/calamitous-suppression-of-early-cv-19-treatment-dr-pierre-kory/

[ii] https://www.ebay.com/itm/274823102115?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-213727-13078-0&mkcid=2&itemid=274823102115&targetid=4580496732614414&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=&poi=&campaignid=418233788&mkgroupid=1230353745471221&rlsatarget=pla-4580496732614414&abcId=9300542&merchantid=51291

[iii] https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/prescription-for-nutritional-healing-a-practical-a-to-z-reference-to-drug-free-remedies-using-vitamins-minerals-herbs–food-supplements-by-phyllis-a-balch-james-f-balch/247266/item/97832/?mkwid=aklTp5cr%7cdc&pcrid=77515727468286&pkw=&pmt=be&slid=&product=97832&plc=&pgrid=1240249359900590&ptaid=pla-4581115209376180&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Bing+Shopping+%7c+Health%2c+Fitness+and+Dieting+%7c+LOW&utm_term=&utm_content=aklTp5cr%7cdc%7cpcrid%7c77515727468286%7cpkw%7c%7cpmt%7cbe%7cproduct%7c97832%7cslid%7c%7cpgrid%7c1240249359900590%7cptaid%7cpla-4581115209376180%7c#idiq=97832&edition=4254782

[iv] https://www.spiritofchange.org/nebulized-peroxide-a-simple-remedy-for-covid-19/

[v] https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/pure-enrichment-mistaire-xl-ultrasonic-cool-mist-humidifier/ID=300398865-product

[vi] Interestingly and Providentially, after writing this article about self-sufficient healthcare I received the monthly newsletter from my favorite source for natural health research and the lead article is titled Be Your Own Doctor: Keeping Lungs Healthy.  I do not take this as a coincidence.  The newsletter is The Blaylock Wellness Report from Dr. Russell Blaylock.  I highly recommend anything written by him.  He is a neurosurgeon and an expert in natural health, especially nutrition and supplementation.  Dr. Russell Blaylock is a Christian and he often writes about the corporate and government corruption in relation to healthcare, including the dangers of all vaccinations. 

RRNews 253: Battery Booster Pack

Gavin went missing, now he is back… partly. Cop26 is all a part of the great reset, vaccine mandates are all ridiculous, and Travis Scott is using demonic energy in his concert in combination with something else.

Producers of RRNews 253:

Autumn – Snoqualmie, WA
Terence – Parts Unknown
Tony – Suisun City, CA
Shelley – Jefferson City, MO
Luke – Nevada, IA


Pfizer’s CEO calls you a criminal

Gov. Gavin Newsom Lashes Out At Conservatives Over Vaccine

Newsom gets the pleb booster

Gov. Newsom Injured by Moderna Booster Shot

Report: Gavin Newsom Is Out Of Sight Because He Has Bell’s Palsy

Gov. Newsom explains rare hiatus from public view at 2021 CA Economic Summit

At some point soon, all adults will need #covid19 booster shots.

Louisiana Congressman, Clay Higgins, Draws Line In The Sand Over Mandates

why are so many in the US now so sick? 

Medicine Wants to Kill You

New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about

No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic

Italy’s ‘From Covid’ Death Count Drastically Reduced By Over 97 Percent

Texas Doctor Will Only Treat Unvaccinated

Why 310 of Robinhood’s 7 Million Cyber-Attack Victims Should Be Really Quite Worried

NASA plans to crash spacecraft into an asteroid to test planetary defence system

Watch my re-election announcement! Thank you.

Dear Christian Parents – it’s Time to have this conversation

Battery Pack

Something Extremely Dark Happened at Travis Scott’s Deadly “Astroworld” Festival

Astroworld Security Guard Pricked in Neck with Needle, Houston PD Says

Prophetic Dream + Travis Scott + Demonic Possession + Heaven + Hell

RRNews 252: In a Mirror Dimly

The so called Elites want us to play Squid Games and to watch Squid Games. James Corbett says its on and Bill Maher agrees? Canadian Aviation professionals continue to stand for freedom and there is heart medication in the new “vaccine for kids.”

Producers of RRNews 252:

Emelie – Parts Unknown
Donna – Hacienda Heights, CA
Danny – Medford, OR
Theo – Orillia, ON Canada
Kyle – Kent, WA
Shawn – Parts Unknown
Matthew – Burlington, ON Canada
Amy – Madison, MS


Interview 1670 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Bill Maher on Natural Immunity

Canadian Aviation Professionals Risk Their Careers for Your Freedom



‘Where are we headed?’ Portland’s record-setting year

Tucker’s clip on Lady G

Michael Schmidt – Glencolton Farms raided

Mass Media: A History — Course Notes : The Corbett Report

U.S. Army Doctor — ‘I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots

Chief Nerd on Twitter: “Dr. Joel Wallskog

Bo Jiden on vax 4 kids

What is the Number Needed to Vaccinate

We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from Covid

Dr. Peter McCullough Explains How Myocarditis Differs When Caused by Natural Infection vs Vaccine

Remember when Christian Eriksen WENT INTO CARDIAC ARREST

Before and after vax death stats

Chris Sky on turning point

Imagine If We Had 100 Richard Bartlett’s Out There?

ROKFIN EXCLUSIVE!!! Silver Bullet A Fight For Truth

How to Disarm Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller

Time to be Mean song

Anti-vax song on a beach

How a truck driver spent $153 on his N.J. election

Be encouraged and stand tall! “Why Stand” is coming soon! Ephesians 6: 13-18


Great Euro Parliament Speech

The Hidden Symbols and Messages in “Squid Game”

The Symbolism Behind Squid Game – YouTube

Get the fuck out of Australia now! COVID-19 quarantine camps for the unvaccinated are coming!

Stressed out in Seattle: We’re the most anxious major metro in the U.S., new census data shows

Washington state quietly launches COVID vaccine verification tool

Dan Andrews shutting Bank accounts

ESPN Forced Me Out Over Their Vaccine Mandate. Here’s Why I Stood My Ground | The Daily Wire

An Alarming Letter From January 6 Protester Nathan DeGrave, From His Jail Cell in Washington DC – The Last Refuge

RRNews 251: Don’t take the deal.

Moderna cannot be trusted, Moderna should not be trusted, but for some reason Moderna is being trusted with millions of lives. Francis Collins is evil, and don’t worry about Deagel. The Spartacus letter is poignant, Kyrie is still standing strong and my guy Adam Carolla has absolutely no chill.

Producers of RRNews 251:

Owen – Stafford Heights, Australia
Cory – Oak Harbor, WA
John – Berkshire, UK
Ian – Attadale, W Australia
Edward – Waxhaw, NC


Moderna Had a Long History of Failure.

COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle

New Detail on Big Pharma Vax Trial Manipulation

7 year old Down Syndrome girl nylon tied mask

Hillary Clip

Nazi ‘secretary of evil’, 96, was informed ‘down to the last detail’

It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys

But What About Deagel?

Longtime NFL official Carl Madsen dies on way home from Chiefs-Titans

Mayweather on Kyrie

Sophie Scholl – Wikiquote

?? Scott Kernaghan ??

JUSTICE DENIED! Supreme Court Again Upholds COVID Vaccine Mandates – U.S. Veterans Prepare for War

Trieste dockworker Vittorio – 26:40-min mark and watch through the 31:20-min mark

WATCH: Protests hit major European port of Trieste amid threats to block it completely over Italy’s mandatory Green pass

New Evidence Fed Operatives Were Responsible For Fomenting The Phony “Insurrection” Narrative

Adam Carolla on Alec Baldwin

Dave Chappelle – Stunted (2021) | “Am I Cancelled?”

CNN’s Pamela Brown Grills NIH Director On ‘Oversight Failure’ for Wuhan Research: ‘Why Should Americans Trust You?’

‘Meet Your Maker’: The robot priests taking the world by storm

“Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America” – Here Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ That’s Gone Viral

BREAKING: Governor Inslee to mandate COVID vaccinations for all private businesses

Woman finds Amazon has thousands of recordings of her – all from home devices

CNN Accidentally Allows Someone To Tell The Truth On Air

10 Years After The Arab Spring: Gains For Democracy?

200 congressmen treated with Ivermectin…

RRNews 250: Pacific Northwest in Distress

Satanic Ritual abuse is real and Russ Dizdar was a warrior that fought against its repercussions daily. The “labor” shortage continues and its a dark time in the Pacific Northwest. Alex Jones was right and Jay Inslee is not your friend.

Producers of RRNews 250:

Kent – Paducah, KY
Sean – Sheboygan, WI
Danny – Medford, OR
Peter – Toronto ON


SOS from Canada

Thomas Dunn on Russ Dizdar’s Death

Currency of the Global Elite – Russ Dizdar

The next pandemic is just around the corner!

Safeway Pharmacy Manager Quits

Tens of thousands strike across industries as workers

Yakima’s South Central WSDOT office loses 50 employees

WSP announces 127 firings following vaccine mandate

Washington State Players React to Nick Rolovich’s Dismissal

Oregon government agency inadvertently releases 40,000 state employees’ vaccination status

“This is the last time you’ll hear me in a patrol car and Governor Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.”

‘Sad Page in WA State’s History’: Local Lawmakers Decry Inslee Vaccine Mandate as Monday Deadline Passes

Local News “Cyber Attack”

Biden on Democracies

“Brought to you by Pfizer.”

New tracks from conservative rapper Bryson Gray

Sad Twitter Thread about elderly couple and their church

‘Angry and disgusted’: Train riders held up phones, didn’t call 911 as woman was raped on Philadelphia train, police say

SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK

Parasitic Organism Dubbed “The Thing” Found in COVID Vaccine

Cecilia Nordenstam on Twitter: “5) Machine can be

S2 Subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 Interacts with Tumor Suppressor Protein

Evolution of a split RNA polymerase

How and why we must destroy the enemy’s weapon of mask deception.

By: Terry Hart

My primary concerns about mask wearing are not related to efficacy. There may be some rare circumstances where mask wearing hinders contagion. However, since there is so much evidence showing that mask wearing causes harm, the obvious conclusion is that mask mandates are not about health, especially when you consider the many flip-flops and inconsistencies with the mandates (e.g., it is acceptable to remove your mask when sitting, eating, speaking, very little said about the quality of masks, etc.).

Almost everything related to the mainstream COVID 19 story has been a lie. (See a very abbreviated list of the lies in the end notes.) Although some of these deceptions have recently been more widely revealed and corrected, there has been precious little accountability for those who were promoting incorrect information and no slowing of the overwhelming push to get everyone on planet injected with this new experimental technology. I believe that our compliance to the mask mandates was the key turning point in the building of this worldwide deception. Masks are the cornerstone deception that must be destroyed.

I am convinced that mask mandates are a very effective means of controlling the masses, and I see them as a spiritual attack. In fact, in all human history I cannot think of a better example of the minds of most of the world’s population being so effectively influenced as they have been by mass compliance to this mask-uerade. Yes, you might argue that mass media propaganda has recently had more success in getting much of the world to believe in lies, but an insidious effect of the masks is that it results in us participating in and promoting this propaganda. If there is one thing that has a more powerful influence than the media, it is our example. It has been proven in experimental studies that just one additional non-compliant person in a crowd of the compliant thoroughly protects the non-compliant from participating in a lie promoted by the crowd. Every time we cover our faces, whether proudly or shamefully, we are powerfully broadcasting to those around us that we agree with the irrational and exaggerated fear pushed by the pharma-funded corporate media.

The all-sufficient Word of God always has the answers we need, and the solutions for every circumstance. There is one historical account given in the Old Testament that is so vital, that God recorded it for us in great detail three times. It is the account of the terrifying and unstoppable Assyrian army poised to overthrow Jerusalem (2 Kings 18-19, 2 Chron 32, Is 36). The Assyrians, represented by Rab-shakeh, attempted to convince king Hezekiah and the Jews to surrender. Surrender to the enemy must have seemed like the easy way out against an army that had already devastated many nations. Why resist and die the slow painful death of starvation under siege, or perhaps a quick death in battle? Why not take the easy way out and least survive, though it be under the oppressive rule of the enemy? The good and righteous king knew that it was not God’s will to give in to the enemy. It may be that God also wants us risk everything rather than to submit to a life of oppression. We must keep in mind that our resistance is not so much against any person in authority, it is against the Devil himself (Eph 6:12, James 4:7), who just uses people to do his will. In an attempt to persuade Hezekiah and the Jews to surrender, Rab-shakeh used all of the usual tactics of the enemy. He told many monstrous and potentially destructive lies (2 Kings 18:22, 25, 29-30, 19:10). He used mass communication to get his deception broadcasted loud and clear to the public (sound familiar?) (2 Kings 18:26-28). He used fear (2 Kings 18:27, 33-35, 19:10-13) to attempt to terrorize them into submission. He tried to get them to distrust a good spiritual leader (2 Kings 18:29) and to distrust God (2 Kings 18:30, 19:10). He tempts them by offering something that is seemingly better than their current condition (Much like a return to life as we knew it, if we would only get the jab!) (2 Kings 18:31-32). This last tactic may be the most important one. I believe that Satan’s final and great temptation for the soon coming end of this age will be the same as his original temptation in Eden. At the heart of the temptation was convincing Eve that God was withholding something better, which she did not currently possess–“your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. Adam and Eve should have been patient and content with what God had given them up to that point in time. The Assyrian enemy tempted God’s people to surrender in a similar way when he said, “Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine,” (2 Kings 18:32). Here the Devil was tempting them to forsake their God given inheritance, their own land. In a similar way, I believe we are now just beginning the process of being tempted to forsake our God given immune systems, which operates by the DNA that God gave us, and to replace it with technologically altered DNA. There is some debate about whether any of the current COVID shots change our DNA, but whether they do or not, I think it is very likely that future booster shots, or some similar technology, will in fact change our genetics. There are many reasons, both Biblical and extra-Biblical, that we should reject the abominable idea that it is beneficial to tamper with God’s creation in this way.

What is the solution to our current dilemma? We should follow Hezekiah’s example in two ways, and trust that God will give the victory to His people according to His perfect plan. First, we should not comply with the enemy and lead others to do the same, as Hezekiah did (2 Kings 18:36). We must not believe the lies being told, we must not give in to fear, and we must not make a deal with the Devil who promises that he has something better for us than what God has given, and especially what He will soon give us. Secondly, we must humble ourselves and pray to God as Hezekiah did. If there is a way of escape from our current distress other than through death or the Rapture, it will be through non-compliance and prayer.


i https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/frontlinenews/all-you-need-to-know-about-facemasks-but-didnt-know-to-ask/
ii https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wsu-sandbox/chapter/conformity-compliance-and-obedience/

  • Initially the death rate for this disease was said to be quite high. This was useful to promote fear, but as the testing increased, the death rate was revealed to be far below 1%. So, the pharma-funded medial narrative changed from a focus on death rate to the increasing number of cases.
  • The COVID death numbers were vastly overstated. A large percentage of those who supposedly died from COVID, really died with COVID. The CDC admitted that 94% of COVID deaths had other “health conditions and contributing causes.”(https://nbc-2.com/news/2020/08/31/cdc-report-shows-94-of-covid-19-deaths-in-u-s-had-contributing-conditions/) Meaning that only 6% can be said to have died from COVID alone, and many of the 94% may have survived COVID if they did not have other contributing serious health conditions, including extreme old age.
  • The faulty PCR test—Until May 1st 2021 the CDC considered any positive test result with a PCR test run up to 40 cycles to be a case of COVID. This was criticized by experts who said that the max should be 30-35 cycles since tests with more than this number would be 97% false positives. As of May 1st, the CDC changed their policy to a much more accurate 28 cycles, but only for those who have received the COVID jab.(https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontlinenews/cdc-createsdifferent-testing-standard-depending-on-vaccination-status/ ) The result is that many false positives going forward will be attributed to those who have not had the COVID shot and will give a false impression of the effectiveness of the shot.
  • The widespread censoring of information (COVID symptoms prevented and cured by many safe and effective drugs & supplements; avoidance of the natural immunity topic) that proves that there was really no need to even create a

RRNews 249: Dum Spiro Spero

In this bonus episode of RRNews, Tim speaks with old friend Tom Bionic as they cover everything from loving your enemy, to dunking on Sanjay Gupta.


Future Quake Podcast

National Divorce Is Expensive, But It’s Worth Every Penny

Alex Berenson

Matthew 5:44 – But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Joe Rogan asks Sanjay Gupta why CNN lied about Joe taking horse de-wormer.

Addressing Sanjay Gupta’s appearance on @JoeRogan’s with Don Lemon

Dum Spiro Spero

Jesus Friend of Terrorists

RRNews 248: Nationwide “Labor” Shortage

Jennifer Depew didn’t make it onto the show, but here work is very promising. Ivermectin continues to be vilified and now Merck has a more expensive wonder drug…. There is a Nationwide “mysterious” labor shortage, and the media refuses to tell you why. Join us as we talk about all that and get a boots on the ground report from Switzerland and Italy.

Producers of RRNews 248:

Ian – Attadale, WA Australia
Danny – Medford, OR
Kyle – Kent, WA
Beth – Unknown
Edward – Waxhaw, NC
Barbara – Bonita Springs, FL


Mask Letter

Jennifer Depew post for reference

Medical Educator Kory Underscores the Need for Early Treatment in Fight Against Covid – Global Covid Summit

Dr. Pierre Kory

EXPLOSIVE ~ VIDEO Emerges of Fauci & HHS Officials Plotting to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination

WMC Research – Research and Views on COVID-19

Molnupiravir ugh – by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths

In support of southwest employees – by el gato malo 

Great Covid Propaganda Rant

Life Site McCullough Article

NurseErin on Twitter: “This is just a reminder that

Seattle Police Department braces for mass firing of Police

an epidemic of the vaccinated – by el gato malo

Biden Keeps Pushing Nonexistent Worker Vaccine

Digital ‘health pass’ with vaccination card photo required


California Teenager Died Suddenly Within 48 Hours of vaccination

A Message To Fauci: You Are In No Position To Dictate

RRNews 247: “Cells” for Sale

Rick Warren wants you to take the jab and so does Francis Collins, and so does the Pope, but who asked their opinion anyway? There are fetal cells lines in the jab, but there are also cancerous ovary cells from a black woman that died in 1951 still being kept alive to this day. Facebook went down and they said everything is normal, was this a dry run for the “cyber pandemic”?

Producers of RRNews 247:

Terry – Sherwood, OR
Danny – Medford, OR
Kyle – Kent, WA
Erik – Parts Unknown
Jerrad – Loaxahatchee, FL
Kristine – Manchester, NH
Cyra – Reno, NV
Amy – Madison, MS
Kathy – San Jose, CA
Autumn – Snoqualmie, WA
Joy – Goodlettsville, TN
Luke – Nevada, IA
Benjamin – San Diego


The Silent Christian Secession

Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, misinformation

An Exclusive Look at Real HeLa Cells

Moe Factz 66 – “Black Butterfly”

Henrietta Lacks – Wikipedia

Interview 1664 – James Corbett Talks China on Unlimited Hangout

6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins.

Francis Collins to step down as NIH director by year’s end

Look at how BioLogos, founded by NIH Director is Francis Collins, is religiously shaming Christians to reject Covid conspiracy truth!

HHS Partnership Center Special Feature: Dr. Francis Collins + Pastor Rick Warren

Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine ‘Safe’ for Kids — But Pfizer Has Lied About Kids and Drugs Before

Ted Nugent Bahh

On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier

Jessica Berg Wilson

So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity

Betrayed: The Israeli Face Of Pain After Pfizer Shots

How Los Angeles Became the City of Dingbats

Klaus Schwab

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus are down. Here’s what we know [Updated]

Facebook and Instagram finally come back online after SEVEN-HOUR global outage

Web Scrapers Claim to Possess and Sell Personal Data on 1.5 Billion Facebook Users on a Hacker Forum

Why You Suddenly Need To Delete Google Chrome

Governor Hochul announces New York’s 50-mile drone corridor

Right-wing physicians profit off of fake COVID-19

BioNTech looks beyond Pfizer COVID-19

Laurent’s COVID-19 pill fails phase 2

UPDATE: Merck’s oral COVID-19 antiviral

Geoengineering by Gernot Wagner review

Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries

McCarthy’s Pharma Contributions

RRNews 246: Against tyranny? You are my friend.

Kathy needs some apostles, NBA players are much tougher to intimidate than previously thought. Evergrande is not China’s Lehman Brothers, and Oregon found a worse version of Kate Brown.

Producers of RRNews 246:

John – Berkshire, UK
Emelie – Parts Uknown


Episode 408 – 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

Everything is Connected!

Early Treatment Protocols

Graphene Oxide


Elon Musk’s Crusade to Save You — By Destroying Your Humanity

Felt Ill After COVID-19 Vaccine? It May Depend on Which Vaccine and Whether You’ve Had COVID-19

It’s time to start firing unvaccinated people: Trump fans are overdue for a lesson in consequences

Not Getting Vaccinated to Own Your Fellow Libs

‘Harry Potter’ star Tom Felton collapses while playing in Ryder Cup celebrity golf tournament

Freaks and Geeks Star Jerry Messing Says He’s Now Partially Paralyzed After Contracting COVID-19

Vaccinated Michigan couple die of COVID-19 holding hands, minute apart

Oklahoma City police mourns sudden death of master sergeant

Washington State Trooper dies from COVID-19

Swastika signs found in Kitsap County

Antifa member charged with shooting anti-vaxxer in Washington

King County Sheriff Deputy announces his resignation, says that despite being fully-vaccinated he stands with his officers and their right to choose.


did kathy hochul just declare a state religion?

Effective midnight tonight, nurses and hospital staff that did not get the vaccine will be fired NY Gov Hochul will deploy the National Guard to fill for the hospital staff shortages

Aerial spraying for mosquitoes, not done since the 80s, started in Michigan Fall 2019. 67% of 113 deer tested were positive for COVID Jan. 2020 to Mar 2021.

Evergrande Isn’t China’s “Lehman Moment.” It Could Be Worse than That.

The Return of Empty Shelves and Panic Buying

RRNews 245: The Government is not God

Bill Gates still can’t figure out how to talk about Epstein without betraying himself. Not Caesar nor society should be placed in reverence above God. Anthrax came from a lab, and the FDA has a bunch of questions to answer, including why are top FDA officials resigning?

Producers of RRNews: 245

Danny – Medford, OR
Kyle – Kent, WA
James – Dayton, OH
Maverick Pilgrim – Santa Rosa, CA
Chris- Edgerton, MO


Ancient Aliens Debunked

Chris White Verse by Verse

Cindy McCain- #jeffreyepstein

Judy Woodruff to Bill Gates

‘not Caesar, and not society…’

It’s Time To Read Francis Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto (Again)


Dear peeps who think the jabs are no big deal because you didn’t have much reaction…

“[The anthrax] came from a US Army Lab, one of three labs, and the most likely lab, the FBI figured out, was a lab that was connected to both Tony Fauci and Robert Kadlec”

American Board of Pediatrics sent out this letter telling pediatricians to not discourage the shot at risk of losing license.

More hatred…

Down Syndrome Birth Rate Falls More than 50% in Europe

Health Aids for Special Times – Protocol

A Second Major Seasonal Virus Won’t Leave Us Any Choice

The Facebook Files

Apple threatened to ban Facebook from App Store over human trafficking

The Meaning of the FDA Resignations ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Riccardo Bosi, leader of Australia One, gives a warning to Australians

RRNews 244: “Not Fully Vaccinated”

We lost Norm Macdonald, but we still have Klaus Schwab, oh joy…. The vaccinated are being counted as the “not fully vaccinated” because of a technicality. CNN was not always as bad as it is right now, and what does a parallel society look like?

Producers of RRNews 244: 

Danny – Medford, OR
Timothy – Oklahoma City, OK
Kyle- Kent, WA


WEF founder Klaus Schwab

Infamous “New World Order” clip from Australia.

How does Fauci’s boss get a pass for how evil he is while Fauci takes all the heat?

Thread about the vaccine injured being counted as unvaccinated.

“Mild” sometimes means enough damage your heart is no longer strong enough for…golf.

An ABC affiliate in Detroit sought stories of death to the unvaccinated.

Good clip both for showing why Pfizer should not be trusted but also to show the effect of Pharma on cable news over time.

What Does A Parallel Society Look Like?

Squires: The ‘Richard Snipp’ letter proves the assault on the black mind and man has been decades in the making

Prion Information

Artemisinin, arteannuin-B, sgp130Fc and COVID-19

Jenny – TranscendingSquare

Vitamin based options to restore your health

Pomegranate–good for you.

Norm accuses Clinton of being a murderer on “The View.” One minute clip.

Bitcoin bull Mike Novogratz compares crypto zealots to anti-vaxxers – and says GameStop fans show the same conviction

NEWS ALERT: News outlet gets unexpected response after requesting testimonials on Covid deaths

Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.gov

From election to COVID, 9/11 conspiracies cast a long shadow

Snapmap worldmap to battle bad information by the news.

RRNews 243: Oh no!!! Horsepaste!!!

King County is going to force vaccines and the Seahawks have truly lost the plot. Ivermectin overdoses fill the hospitals in Oklahoma, however the hospital said they had not treated a single Ivermectin overdose yet. The “vaccines” were not studied past 3 months of pregnancy and whatever happens, don’t eat the horse paste!

Producers of RRNews 243:

Danny – Medford, OR
Cyra – Parts Unknown
Autumn – Snoqualmie, WA
Friends of Alianca – San Antonio, TX
Matthew – Burlington, ON
Hugh – Kerwood, ON
Nick – Grand Haven, MI
Salah – Parts Unknown


King County to require masks at large outdoor gatherings, regardless of COVID vaccination status

King County working on vaccine verification requirements for some non-essential indoor business activities and other venues; would go into effect in October – King County

Ivermectin poison control calls triple in Washington, despite multiple warnings against use for COVID treatment

Directed Energy Weapon Patent

We Are Witnessing the Greatest Mass Hypnosis of All Time | HypnoMarc

Vaccine protests threaten to disrupt essential services as crowds gather outside hospitals, police headquarters

What does “vaccination” mean according to the CDC?

TFNT #1: COVID vaccines have killed over 200,000 Americans

Steve Kirsch

Dr. Naomi Wolf says that the pregnancy studies were only followed for 3 months.

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews proposing to break Federal laws , particularly the privacy act 1988 section 94H!

Qantas pilot risks everything to speak out against their new mandatory vaccination policy

Landlord Requires Shot To Rent Apartments…

Scott Armstrong Interview – How Employers Are Quietly Removing The Non-Compliant


The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals

‘Loss of hope’: Idaho hospitals crushed by COVID-19 surge

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Interview – What Is The True Catalyst Behind COVID-19?


Hospitalizations in Oregon continue to rise, 3 weeks after their mask mandate was reinstated

RRNews 242: “Safe and Effective”

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but “vaccines are safe and effective.” Journalist does journalism, but has to quit MSM in order to do it. Dr. Judy Mikovits has a positive slant on negative information. And Peter Pan in Canada is on the ropes.

Producers of RRNews 242: 

Danny – Medford, OR
Penny – Mesa, AZ
John – Berkshire, UK
Luke – Nevada, IA


Vaccine has not Killed Anyone

Government Wouldn’t Hurt My Kid

Ivory Hecker on Ernesto Ramirez

Jeff Rhoden, owner of Human Bean coffee franchises in Reno, dies of COVID-19 at age 49

Governor won’t relent on vaccine mandate, saying Covid deaths ‘unacceptable and preventable’

Health officials say 10 fully vaccinated Oregonians died of COVID-19 in July, more than previously reported

Covid — not vaccination — presents biggest blood clot risk, large study finds

Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 positive testing: self-controlled case series study

Marek’s Disease – How The COVID Vaccine Is Breeding A Super Virus

Why the Covid-Jab Will Probably Kill You

Powerful Interview! Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci’s Cancer Causing Injections

Le SARS-COV2 accélérerait l’âge biologique

1) Two Shadow Realms Descend On The Body: Paracrine Senescence (Endgame) and Epitope Spreading (Middlegame Knockout)

Two tweets on the role of glyphosate in all of this eugenics madness.

‘It’s crazy’: Quebec schools were using nanoform graphene masks: expert

1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination

Milestone contract for graphene technology in water treatment

Graphene smart membranes can control water

Innovative COVID-19 Treatment Solutions – Vejon Conference

Spars Pandemic

Washington Post reports that Taliban offered to stay out of Kabul and let US forces secure the city.

Spike Lee Backs Down And It Reflects What It Means To Be American In 2021

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: “What we learned from this COVID crisis….

U.S. Truckers Plan Nationwide Protest Against Mandatory Vaccines

Banksters Celebrate Fiat’s 50th! . . . By Introducing CBDC Nightmare

Why the overturned eviction moratorium may be too little, too late for both renters, landlords

After Aduhelm fallout, FDA veteran Woodcock out of running for commish job: report

Two top FDA vaccine leaders stepping down over agency practice

DARPA’s Man in Wuhan

France: they want to jab kids at school and if the parents do something against it, they have to pay a fine of 30.000 € and go to prison for two years.

Graphene OS

NDP Leader on Trudeau

Peter Pan is not going to back down


RRNews 241: Pfizer Lied & People Died

Prime Minister Peter Pan is a tyrant. Pfizer lied and people have certainly died, mainly from heart issues. Alex Jones was right, and Gen Z is somewhat awake. Also, who cares about the FDA anyway?

Producers of RRNews 241:

Danny – Medford, OR
Maverick Pilgrim – Santa Rosa, CA
Gabriel – Bristol, UK


Andrew’s Story Links

Tim’s Story Links

RRNews 240: Non-Compliance is the Answer

Joe Rogan appears to be waking up, and he’s not the only one. Revolution in Italy, mass protests in France, Greece is on fire, and Canada is not going quietly. The world is rising up against tyranny and using non-compliance as a weapon. Also we’ve been podcasting for 10 years, and Alex Jones is right. #resist


Kyle – Kent, WA
Nancy – Duluth, MN
Robin – Claverack, NY


Tim’s Stories

Andrew’s Stories

Mass Formation

Mass Formation 2

Mass Formation 3

Mass Formation 4

Mass Formation 5

RRNews 239: The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

Producers of RRNews 239:

Danny – Medford, OR
Karin – Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ashley – Stamping Ground, KY
Katie – Bend, OR


The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Biblical Cosmology Documentary)

The Empty Fence

“Iron Oxides, Mixed With Clay…”

Contagion – Film, Literature, and the New World Order

RRNews 238: Love your Neighbor

Jesus told us to love our neighbors, but first we must actually meet our neighbors! Polio vaccine was not as effective as we’re lead to believe. Companies and countries are making one last push, but it all seems like a bluff. Its a crazy conspiracy theory to think Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine… but Johnson & Johnson is Grolttex biggest customer?

Producers of RRNews 238:

Danny – Medford, OR
Luke – IA


Epic Polio Thread

De Blasio announces “Mandate” for NYC

Convenient List of Companies to Boycott

Walmart Announces COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Campus Office Associates

Apparent Bot Posts

Why you should get the vax

Scarlet Fever Chart

Fact Check . Org funded by J&J

Graphene Skies?


RRNews 237: Resistance is Victory

Resistance is victory, and traveling is not scary. Idaho is beautiful albeit crowded and the TSA and the NBA were all a part of the midwest sojourn. Glyphosate is on everything and God’s Word is still true.

Producers of RRNews 237:

Danny – Medford, OR
Amber – Herculaneum, MO
Kathy – San Jose, CA
Emelie – Highlands Ranch, CO
Jerad – Loaxahatchee, FL
Russel – Roseburg, OR
Stephen – Canyon Country, CA
Esther – Apex, NC
Autumn – Snoqualmie, WA
Maverick Pilgrim – Santa Rosa, CA


BREAKING: FDA Issues Complete Recall For COVID-19 Rapid Tests!

DeBlasio on Mandates

Explosives Demolish Remaining Part of Surfside Condo Building

“Engines of Destruction…” (The ‘animal trials’ for the great graphene nanowire revolution…)


Here we go again

Mologic – A World Leader In Lateral Flow Technology

Bill Gates and George Soros join buyout of Covid test developer Mologic

Big Ag Pressures Canada to Raise Allowable Glyphosate Levels on Food During Health Crisis

RRNews 236: Astaxanthin the Anti-Smylex

Graphene OS is better than graphene oxide, but it appears God always gives us a natural solution: Astaxanthin! President of Haiti is found murdered, Ghislaine had submarines, and Biden is still racist. San Francisco is not looking great, and maybe that’s the goal? Our economy is absolutely divorced from reality and also water is wet.

Producers of RRNews 236:

Danny – Medford, OR
Kimbely – Reedsport, OR
Caleb – Batavia, OH
Amber- Unknown
Garth – Witchita, KS
Luke – Nevada, IA
Chris – Garden City, MO


Haiti in upheaval: President Moïse assassinated at home


America in 2021: We’re Being Distracted From Something HUGE

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’

TerraMar, Submarines and the Elite

Triple Strength Astaxanthin (12mg) with Organic Coconut Oil

Age of Deceit

Franken Skies

Pfizer CEO

Breaking: Unreleased Footage Of McAffee VICE Interview (This Is Why He Was Killed)

REPORT: No longer about health. Canada will prevent groups from gathering in order to stop the spread of ‘unauthorized information’.

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19?’ – LewRockwell

Oxford researchers launch HIV vaccine trial

‘Not a single case of outdoor transmission’…

Warren Buffett predicts scamdemic worse than Covid…

From what I can tell at a cursory glance, Haiti had refused the vax

Earth’s Magnetic Field AGAIN Fails to Deal with a weak Solar Wind Stream, + “this is 1984” – Electroverse

A Sports Trifecta: Joe Biden Lies About Baseball – After Lying about Golf and Football and Everything Else

Vaccinated Israeli Student Catches COVID from Vaccinated Relative and Then Infects 83 High School Students — But Please Take your Vaccines!

Identity of Ashli Babbitt Killer Confirmed — Careless Capitol Police Lieutenant Is Being Protected by Democrats, Pelosi and Deep State FBI

Everything you need to know about mRNA vaccines

Bill Cosby: ‘Mainstream Media Are the Insurrectionists Who Stormed the Capitol,’ ‘Trying To Demolish the Constitution’

Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September, Army tells commands

Carl Nassib and a short history of coming out as gay in sport

NZ weightlifter Hubbard to become first transgender athlete to compete at Games

‘No sit, no lie’ ordinance takes effect in Everett, Washington

Hackers demand $70 mln to restore data held by companies hit in cyberattack – blog

Jen Psaki: We will be going door-to-door to Americans who have not been vaccinated

The Delta Variant, the unvaccinated, the two Americas, and other propaganda fabrications « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Gates Foundation, prior Planned Parenthood donor, announces $1.4 billion fund for “family planning and women’s health”

DARPA and mRNA technology

‘Communists Did The Right Thing’: Berkshire Hathaway Chief Charlie Munger Praises CCP’s Authoritarianism, Oppression.

A Chinese ‘Spy Recruitment’ Scholar is Now Running Joe Biden’s NSA Personnel Department.

Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down.

Birthrates are declining globally – here’s why it matters

Nightmare scenario: alarm as advertisers seek to plug into our dreams

SURFSIDE COLLAPSE – sequence simulation

Target, Walgreens make drastic changes due to increase in San Francisco thefts


Conservative Twitter is all over this.

Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire

The COVID-19 Spike Protein and the Still Uncertain Side Effects of the mRNA Vaccines – Dr. Steven Hatfill

Cyber Polygon

1/ Dr. Kory on IVERMECTIN, a highly EFFECTIVE, safe, inexpensive ($0.12), off-patent, 40 years old drug with 4 billion doses administered and proven to prevent, cure and treat C19

Pence gets drowned out by hecklers at the Faith & Freedom Coalition summit, some of whom appear to be chanting “traitor!”

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans

RRNews 235: *Whispers into the mic* “Infrastructure”

Summer Vortex brings heat to the Northwest, where the Highway buckled and skylights shattered. Was the Miami Condo collapse a controlled demolition? The magnification debate rages on. Biden is super creepy, loves whispering and is obsessed with the term Infrastructure.

Producers of RRNews 235:

Kyle – Kent, WA
Mathew – Ontario, Canada
Carl – Hungary
Johan – Sweden


“Iron Oxides, Mixed With Clay…”

American Moon

Pavement on I-5 buckles in extreme Seattle heat

Video Shows Wing of Surfside Condo Building Collapse in Seconds

WOW! Arizona Election Audit Volunteers Being Targeted by Biden DOJ, Threats of Arrest

Sally KP

“I wouldn’t recommend any vaccine at this stage” – Stephanie Seneff

Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Facebook Fact-Checker, Daszak Ally, Becomes New Chief Defender of Wuhan Lab | Human Events

Peter Daszak Deleted Evidence of Gates-Funded Conference He Attended With Shi Zhengli

Young man dies 39 hours after receiving Covid-19 vaccine – Young man dies 39 hours after receiving Covid-19 vaccine – News from Saigon Times

Key Witness Against Assange Recants Testimony – The New American

NFL says “FOOTBALL IS GAY” in new ad. I didn’t say it, they did.

Why should teens be allowed the Covid vaccine without their parents’ okay?

Challenges in the Diagnosis of Magnesium Status

When Homelessness Is Defined As A Disaster To Fight, Like Floods And Fires, A Military-Styled Response Becomes Justified

Johnson & Johnson agrees to pay $230 million to settle New York opioid claim

COVID-19 vaccine reactions: Families describe adverse responses to shot

Congressman claims evidence links Lyme disease to US military bioweapons research

PGA Tour tells players it will end on-site COVID-19 testing in July

The Vaccine Which Was Linked to Bleeding Calf Syndrome

Nellis Air Force Base throws first-ever ‘Drag-u-Nellis’ drag show

Backlash Comes Swiftly After Biden Keeps Whispering at Press Conference

Why I’m Leaving Mumford & Sons


RRNews 234: New Global Warming Solution – Smylex

There is a plan to stop global warming by making you hate meat? Covid vaccines continue to rack up the concerns as the official Vaers death count number nears 6,000, or should it be much higher? The W.H.O has quietly said they no longer recommend vaccinating adolescents and our food and product are poisoned, just like Hollywood Predicted.

Producers of RRNews 234:

Danny – Medford, OR
Hugh – Ontario, Canada
Kenny – New Zealand
Shawn – Pensacola, FL


Joker’s Brand New Product

Opinion | Are Covid Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised?

Infowars Podcast

What is the true number of vaccine-related deaths?

Warren Buffett resigns from the Gates Foundation.

Trouble at Stonehenge…

Fmr. Green Beret reportedly contacted by people who claim FBI recruited them as informants ahead of Jan. 6 protest

Leftist Actors Disguised Themselves & Pretended to Work For Conservative News Outlets During January 6th Protests; Told FBI How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies – Some Bitch Told Me

Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee dies by suicide in prison: report


Market close: Mainfreight chairman Bruce Plested sells $75 million worth of shares – Crypto World News

EXC: Lancet’s COVID Chairman Jeffrey Sachs States “Opposition” To “Confronting” China, Linked to Hunter Biden’s China Energy Deals.

Portland Runs Ad in NYT Promoting Tourism After Police Riot Squad Quits

Exclusive: Athlete Who Recovered From COVID Facing ‘Very Different Future’ After Second Dose of Pfizer Vaccine Triggers Myocarditis • Children’s Health Defense

Left Triggered NBA Legend John Stockton To Appear In Documentary Questioning COVID Vaccines

Leaked Airline Documents Reveal HORRIFIC Details About ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots

Pornhub Accuser: Raped Starting at Age 7 By Hollywood Men and New York Financiers, Including Jeffrey Epstein

9-Year Old NUKES School Board For Pushing Radical Agenda In Schools

Have The Great Reset Technocrats Really Thought This Through? | ZeroHedge

Sheldon Whitehouse under fire for membership at all-white beach club

Over 6,500 migrant workers have died all for 2022 soccer world cup

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19… : American Journal of Therapeutics

O’Connor & Company Interview – PETER NAVARRO – 06.11.21 – O’Connor & Company – Omny.fm

2020 Migration Trends: U-Haul Ranks 50 States by Migration Growth | U-Haul

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans

RRNews 233: The Shrinking Conspiracy Window

The Wuhan lab leak theory has gone from crazy conspiracy theory to mainstream media news. Tucker uncovers a vast conspiracy of un-indicted co-conspirators who helped out on January 6. The vaccine continues to cause damage even to world class athletes, while some meat is now magnetic?

Producers of RRNews 233:

Danny – Medford, OR
Hugh – Ontario, Canada
Jacob – Kingsport, TN
Barbara – Bonita Springs, FL


Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

Marjorie Taylor Green Press Conference

Biden Question List

Merrick Garland Makes Dire Declaration Against National Security Apparatus’ Purpose

Federal Entrapment? Darren Beattie and Tucker Carlson Blow the Lid Off Jan. 6th

Unindicted Co-Conspirators In 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge – Revolver

Michael Burry on The Biggest Bubble

One in four payments now contactless in UK as COVID speeds death of cash

Zuckerberg Group Funnels Six-Figures to Wuhan Lab Partner, Gain-of-Function Advocate.

First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

Intranasal delivery of plasmids expressing bovine herpesvirus 1 gB/gC/gD proteins by polyethyleneimine magnetic beads activates long-term immune responses in mice

Nanoparticle vaccine for COVID-19 | Stanford News

Magnetically enhanced nucleic acid delivery. Ten years of magnetofection—Progress and prospects

UK Covid live: Boris Johnson confirms four-week delay to lockdown easing in England over fears of Delta variant

Another “Vaccine” Death

There’s A Stark Red-Blue Divide When It Comes To States’ Vaccination Rates

Physicians for Informed Consent Updates Its Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Statement for Healthcare Providers and Families

Vaccines of the future could be as contagious as viruses

Vaccine Screenshot

Ivermectin, Covid-19, and Why It Could Be Miraculous – LewRockwell

Marjorie Taylor Greene: I Don’t Believe In Evolution, That Type Of So-Called ‘Science’

RRNews 232: Dodge the Prions

Former TD Ameritrade CEO is extremely concerned about retail investors, and I am not a cat! The global magnet challenge continues and apparently its not a mistake in the vaccine, but a feature. Cyber attackers take aim at meat packing plants while the FBI “recovered” Bitcoin ransom from the pipeline hack.

Executive Producers of RRNews 232:

Danny – Medford, OR
Kyle – Kent, WA


Ex-TD Ameritrade CEO warns meme stock traders that leverage could ‘rip your arms off’

Wall Street Banks Rein In Hedge Funds’ Short Bets on Meme Stocks

Magnetics, Genetics, and those crazy Zetetics… (the #magnetchallenge examined…)

EXPOSED! Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body

Hospital workers walk out over mandatory COVID vaccination: “It’s a choice”

2021 C8 Corvette Orders Canceled Amidst Parts Shortage

The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic

Greatest Mass Killer of 21st Century: Data Shows Fauci Conspired and Lied – New Study Shows HCQ plus ACT Improved Survival of COVID Patients by Nearly 200%

vaccination shows no benefit to those who already had covid

You Guys See The Registered Nurse & Certified Medical Investigator Talk About The Test Swabs?

Chinese Government Scientist Filed COVID Vaccine Patent Before Pandemic Began

New Pfizer study: Four fifths of all vaccinated children aged 12 and over complain of side effects | Free West Media

Compilation Of Information From 3000+ Pages Of Dr. Fauci’s Emails – GreatAwakening

Bombshell: Fauci wrote in 2012 that benefits of gain-of-function research ‘outweigh the risks’

World’s Largest Meatpacker JBS Hit By Ransomware Attack, WH Confirms; Plants Halt Slaughter – Breaking911

Increased aggressive behavior and decreased affiliative behavior in adult male monkeys after long-term consumption of diets rich in soy protein and isoflavones

Cyber attack hits JBS meat works in Australia, North America

Pastor Rick Wiles apparently has COVID after refusing vaccines he called “global genocide”

Amazon.com: Amazon Sidewalk: Amazon Devices & Accessories

This concert ticket costs $18 – or $1,000 if you’re not vaccinated

Joel Kallman Twitter

Walton family’s trust sold more than $750 million worth of Walmart stock the past 2 weeks

Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID

What Doctors for COVID Ethics Are Warning About

Ujjain Village Attack

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents

A Culture of Fear at the Firm That Manages Bill Gates’ Fortune

View of Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

Polio Vaccine Effective?

Biden Steps Back On Student Loan Debt Forgiveness, Leading To Major Criticism

Big Pharma PR Firm Sued for Alleged Role in Opioid Epidemic

Roundup Weedkiller Contains Hidden Ingredients Lethal to Bees, Study Shows • Children’s Health Defense

RRNews 231: Mass Vaccinations and Mass Censorship

On this episode we welcome Chris White to talk about Bible Prophecy, Covid-19, mass vaccinations and why podcasting is the way of the future.

Producers of RRNews 231:

Simon – Basel, Switzerland
Ana – Gipuzkoa, Spain
Jason – Corona, CA
Sidney – Resaca, GA
Bhai – Somewhere
Nancy – Somewhere


Bible Prophecy Talk

Ancient Aliens Debunked

Corbett Report Radio 238 – Debunking Ancient Aliens with Chris White

RRNews 230: Fact Check Walk Back

Fauci is fumbling, Gates is on the hot seat, and we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Alexa can come with you everywhere and the Fact Checkers are walking back their previous facts. Lyme disease was created as a bioweapon, and they tried to use it to overthrow Cuba? Look at all these links!!!!!

Producers of RRNews 230:

Mathew – Colwyn Bay, UK
Theodore – Orillia, ON Canada
Max – Colorado Springs, CO
Anonymous – Somewhere
David – Granada Hills, CA
William – Clearwater, FL
Pennie – Camas, WA
Kirk – Wellington, New Zealand
Nicolai – Santa Rosa, CA
Tor – Skjerstad, Norway
Ryan – Truxton, MO
Danny – Medford, OR
Gennaro – Lyndhurst, NJ
Patrick, Pickering, ON Canada


Gamestop, AMC short sellers sit on nearly $1 billion loss – Ortex

“Fact-Checking” Takes Another Beating

Amazon.com: Echo Frames (2nd Gen) | Smart audio sunglasses with Alexa

Shocking Lyme Disease Documentary – Under the Eightball

Under the Eightball

MORE Flagrant Data Manipulation from the CDC

Column: Oil prices capped by hedge fund profit-taking

12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein

Whistleblowers expose Facebook’s secret algorithm to suppress negative vaccine experiences

Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine makers did not halt animal tests, and there were no widespread animal deaths

Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

After World Realizes He Was Right About Everything, Alex Jones Appointed As New Head Of CDC

Lebron LOL

What Didn’t Happen at Nuremburg? The Criminals at the Top were Never Tried – Vaccine Impact

Etsy extends weapons ban to include gun parts, accessories

CDC investigating potential rare side effect from Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

India: COVID-19 cases plummet as the country turns to Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

Vaccine “Emergency Use Authorization” & ivermectin (from Livestream #80)

Post-jail interview: Pastor Tim Stephens on his arrest, his church and his faith

Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater IDAHO – Move Oregon’s Border for a greater Idaho

Sally KP


IN-SHADOW – A Modern Odyssey – Animated Short Film

Covid News: New Cases in Nursing Homes Fall Dramatically After Vaccinations

Morning Joe

Effort to change border between Oregon and Idaho gaining traction

Medienzerrbild Indien: die vermeintliche indische Corona-Krise eine Folge von Impfung?

It’s Time to Short Subscriptions and Go Long on Lightning*

Child reporter who at 11 interviewed President Obama dies aged 23


Europe begins taking down thousands of Huawei’s 5G towers

Amanda’s Pfizer Covid Vaccine Experience Is How Ex Vaxxers Are Born

Tens of Thousands of Lives Could Have Been Saved if Research on COVID Treatments Hadn’t Been Suppressed, Doctors and Economists Say

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Pipeline Crisis: Drive an Electric Car

US Coast Guard ship fired around 30 warning shots at Iranian fast boats in latest tense encounter

Brian Stelter salty tears…

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

“Keep As Much Money As You Can”: Hunter Biden Disclosures Offer New Details On His Chinese Financial Dealings And Associations

Welcome to mamalitia

Public Health Agency refusing to disclose uncensored documents on Winnipeg virus lab | CBC News

Opinion | The Genetically Modified Bomb

Peter Navarro nails DOJ…

20 of 26 COVID-positive residents in a Kentucky nursing home outbreak were fully vaccinated a month earlier

Can Vaccines for Wildlife Prevent Human Pandemics?

Moderna Aims to Produce an Estimated 3 Billion COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Next Year

NJ school nurse suspended after saying masks were harming students

Downloads – Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions

Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community

44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot – Wanted Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot

A New American Divinity – Part I: Scientism.

NIH to Study Allergic Reactions to Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines, But Trial Design Raises Questions • Children’s Health Defense

Ghislaine Maxwell has been using a sock to hide her eyes from guard checks, court told

Canzano: State leadership fails to see the finish line with high school running mask rule

MIT researchers say you’re no safer from Covid indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet in new study challenging social distancing policies

Peter Navarro on Arizona… 250,000 ‘potentially’ illegal ballots…

Half a Year After Trump’s Defeat, Arizona Republicans Are Recounting the Vote

Domestic violence calls for help increased 20% during the pandemic

12-Year-Old Girl Paralyzed During COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

Biden isn’t ending the Afghanistan War, he’s privatizing it: Special Forces, Pentagon contractors, intelligence operatives will remain

RRNews 229: Exercising your Rights and Your Body for the Future of Humanity with James Corbett

This week we have our good friend James Corbett back on the podcast to help us dissect all the current and recent events in the United States and throughout the world. We cover many topics including exercising our God given rights as well as actually just exercising.

Producers of RRNews 229:

Ricky – Williston, ND
Timothy – Ellensburg, WA
Edward – Waxhaw, NC
David – North Andover, MA
Rodney – Beaverton, OR
Ian – Attadale, WA Australia
Linda – Charlotte, NC
Gerrad – Firhouse, Ireland


The Corbett Report

Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints – #SolutionsWatch

The Markets are Rigged

Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch

Episode 400 – Visions of the Future

Jeffrey Epstein Gave Bill Gates Advice on How to End ‘Toxic’ Marriage, Sources Say

Get a shot, earn a shot at winning $2,000: The ethics of Arviat’s COVID-19 vaccine lottery | Nunatsiaq News

COVID-19 news today: Alberta gets court injunction against anti-health order protests

How To GET THROUGH A Covid-19(84) Travel Checkpoint With Press For Truth!!! – Press For Truth

Report: DOJ Goes Maskless, Will Not Ask Vaccination Status

RRNews 228: Thank You for Pushing Record

Our intro music is ruined, but The Truth is Stranger than Fiction. India is falling apart, but Portland isn’t faring much better. Gasoline is short across the country, because someone hacked a pipe? Dracula’s castle has been re-commissioned for blood sacrifice. And finally…. Dog Money, Dog Money, Dog Money!


EDM DJ Bassnectar Sued for Sex Trafficking and Child Porn

Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Vanishes – Forensic News

From ‘wonderful’ to ‘war zone’: Portland’s reputation transformation

CEO of Hacked Colonial Pipeline Warned State Officials

Day after Goa prescribes Ivermectin as prophylaxis for Covid-19, WHO chief scientist recommends against it

Goa prescribes Ivermectin for all above 18 irrespective of symptoms

Dr. Rand Paul finally asks Fauci to his face — ‘Did the NIH fund gain of function research at Wuhan bio-lab!’

Michael Burry Warns Weimar Hyperinflation Is Coming | ZeroHedge

End of an era: LiveLeak self-destructs after 15 years of providing unmitigated gore & all things NSFW

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Saagar Enjeti: New Details REVEAL Fauci, Media Coverup Of Lab Leak Hypothesis

Dracula’s castle in Romania proves an ideal setting for Covid vaccinations

CDC Changes Rules for Counting Breakthrough Cases, as More Fully Vaccinated People Test Positive • Children’s Health Defense

Remy: Dogecoin Rap

REVEALED: The Scientists “Debunking” the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Admit Being ‘Collaborators’ and Honorees of Chinese Communist Party.

Breaking — Feds execute search warrant at Rudy Giuliani’s apartment… Developing

Digital Yuan Gives China a New Tool to Strike Back at Critics

Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement

A Former Vice President of Big Pharma Speaks Out

After Nearly a Year of Unrest, Portland Leaders Pursue a Crackdown

RRNews 227: The Incredible, Spreadable Vaccine

Vaccines that spread sound like science fiction, but they’ve been working on it for years. Shortages continue as bio-security state shows no sign of letting up. Paris and Montreal both had protests that were not covered in the media and Creepy Joe remains creepy.


Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases

Fluorescent biomarkers demonstrate prospects for spreadable vaccines to control disease transmission in wild bats

First field trial of a transmissible recombinant vaccine against myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease

A Gas Shortage Could Impact Your Summer Plans—Here’s What You Need to Know

America is running low on chicken. Blame covid-19, a sandwich craze and huge appetite for wings.

Tim Cook warns of Apple product shortages

“There Is No Shortage?” Train Loads Of Lumber Stacked As Far As The Eye Can See | ZeroHedge

Fauci Behind Wuhan COVID-19 Leak, WaPo Reporter Tells Joe Rogan

A year into the pandemic, it’s even more clear that it’s safer to be outside

More than 90 people found inside Houston home: Police

Ghislaine Maxwell Is Reddit’s Infamous maxwellhill?

Paris Protests

MASSIVE Montreal Lockdown Protests – Viva Frei Vlog

Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Divorce: ‘We No Longer Believe We Can Grow Together as a Couple’

Translator denies being the person who split up Bill and Melinda Gates

FDA set to authorize Pfizer vaccine for adolescents, but some experts question need, ethics

What really happened at Basecamp

Creepy Joe Whisper

“How to change society”, by a person that chooses to identify as ‘philanthropist’.

Vaccine and Covid Diagnosis Trend

RRNews 226: V for Vaccine

Alex Jones was right about almost everything. Children of Men is starting to look more and more like a prediction. Especially since the new vaccine is not even a vaccine, but perhaps its a bioweapon. The American Christian church was not ready for Covid-19, but in all fairness, they weren’t ready for much.


A Tiny Part’s Big Ripple: Global Chip Shortage Hobbles the Auto Industry

Children of Men

Alex Jones on Bill Gates

How Evangelicals Are Changing Their Minds on Gay Marriage

Mars Hill Church

Mark Driscoll

Ryan Meeks former pastor of Eastlake Community Church

Scientists Find The Exact 2 Step Process How AstraZeneca Vaccine Causes Blood Clots

URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

Anthony Fauci, America’s high priest of scientism, wears out his welcome

Xi Calls for New World Order

Miami private school Centner Academy won’t employ vaccinated teachers, staff

7-year-old girl fatally shot while sitting in drive-thru at Chicago McDonald’s: Police – Breaking911

3-Year-Old Boy Killed At Birthday Party In NE Miami-Dade

Israel examining heart inflammation cases in people who received Pfizer vaccine

RRNews 225: Power to the Players

Now there is a rubber is scarcity. Why are there so many shortages and scarcities? Vaccine side effects are being reported in abundance. More famous people died and now there is a concern vaccine side effects are contagious? What is going on with Game Stop and are retail investors the ones to blame? (Nope, its Wall Street and the financial oligarchs pulling the strings.)


  • Rubber
  • Semi-Conductors
  • Microchips
  • Foam for car seats
  • Lumbar
  • Rental cars
  • Boats
  • RVs
  • Campers
  • Rhodium
  • Palladium
  • Polyurethane
  • Bikes
  • Fabric for clothing
  • Ammunition
  • Batteries
  • Garden Gnomes
  • Policemen
  • Teachers
  • Restaurant Workers
  • Post Office delays
  • Global shipping issues
  • Boba
  • Chicken Wings


Rubber scarcity creates new headache for beleaguered automakers

No Jab For Me

DOJ files civil case against Vitamin D and Zinc product promoted by Steve Bannon

RNA Vaccines risk of Prion Disease

St. Louis County chiropractor first in US charged under new COVID-19 act

As climate anxiety builds, these women are choosing to not have children

Interview 1633 – Mark Crispin Miller Exposes Propaganda in the Academy : The Corbett Report

Thousands of reports of menstrual irregularities, reproductive dysfunction following COVID vaccines

Canadian gym refuses new memberships to those who’ve had COVID jab due to fear over side-effects


Actor Vivek’s fans question vaccine safety after actor dies following inoculation; grief grips Tamil Nadu – Entertainment News , Firstpost

Pfizer eyes higher prices for COVID-19 vaccine after the pandemic wanes: exec, analyst

Seizure in the drive-thru Vaccine line… Then the next dude collapses…

2017: Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to reinvent medicine


Podcasts+ Could Be Apple’s Next Subscription Service

7-year-old girl fatally shot while sitting in drive-thru at Chicago McDonald’s: Police – Breaking911

Robinhood restricts trading in GameStop, other names involved in frenzy

Psaki Dodges Question On Treasury Secretary Recusing From Robinhood Debacle

Here is the first 60 seconds of my phone call with the agency offering to pay me to write assigned DD in this sub.

Payne sounds off on Wall St over GameStop

Keith Gill aka Roaring Kitty opening statement before Capitol Hill lawmakers

RRNews 224: Don’t Believe the Hype

The propaganda dial is being turned up, but people are turning the vaccine down. People are putting their children in vaccine trials, and Mike Pence needs a pacemaker. A Church in Canada has gone underground and the FDA is buying aborted fetuses. DMX dies under strange circumstances and Amanda Grimes new tattoo is just strange.

We are joining the ranks of the Value for Value model. Please support us and send us value here.


Moe Factz 61 – “Mark My Words”

Breaking — Mike Pence undergoes pacemaker surgery…

FDA Caught Buying ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Body Parts From Dealer

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers ask for trial delay to review ‘highly confidential’ pics


‘My healthy sister just never woke up’. The reality of Sudden Adult Death – and how to protect yourself

Esteemed cardiologist issues warning on Covid Vaccine…

Disturbing Footage — Forced Vaccinations of Mentally Disabled Adults…



Joshimar Henry: 27-year-old Chicago resident doctor dead three months after Pfizer mRNA shot – The COVID Blog

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta breaks with his network and BACKS Wuhan lab theory

Gracelife has become the first underground church in Canada as HUNDREDS of cops continue to guard their building. John MacArthur said they are “meeting somewhere—we don’t know where.”

Grimes shows off ‘beautiful alien scars’ newly inked across her back

Pfizer demands Israel’s payment for more vaccines, threatens to send Jewish state to the back of the line

Woman speaks about adverse reaction to Johnson & Johnson vaccine – Breaking911


In The Ripple Case, The SEC Is Now On Trial – And Knows It

Quebec Protest

Vaccine Cheat Days Are Adding Up

18 Reason I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

DMX Received Covid Vaccine Days Before Heart Attack – Family Says NO DRUGS! (EXCLUSIVE)

‘Extremely Dangerous’ Radioactive Material Stolen In “Violent” Truck Robbery | ZeroHedge

RRNews 223: Spellbound Masses

Little League is out, but masks are in. The blood of the young, could save humanity…. no really…. that’s what Newsweek is talking about. What’s really in a vaccine and is the world under a dark spell.


Re: Do doctors have to have the covid-19 vaccine?

Teen Diagnosed With Guillain-Barré Weeks After First COVID Vaccine • Children’s Health Defense

Midwin Charles ‘Just Got Vaccinated’ Tweet


Study: Anti-Depressant Drugs in the Water Making Fish Cowardly and Nervous

European Court of Human Rights Rules That Mandatory Vaccinations Are Legal

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try! : The Corbett Report

Can blood from young people slow aging? Silicon Valley has bet billions it will


RRNews 222: Cardiac Vaccine

Is the Covid MRNA vaccine attacking the spike proteins in the human body? Are we going to take a stand against the tyranny that is being introduced? Are people more interested in convenience than justice? Who is Bill Gates really?


Thread by @Bobby_Global on Thread Reader App

Over 100 fully vaccinated people contract COVID-19 in Washington state, officials say

What VAERS Data Reveal About Cardiac-Related Reactions to COVID Vaccines • Children’s Health Defense

Teachers Sue LA School District Over COVID Vaccine Mandate • Children’s Health Defense

Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks? • Children’s Health Defense

The Boulder Suspect’s Name is Ahmad Al-Issa. So Naturally The Story Will Now Disappear.

Fossils in a Forgotten Ice Core Rewrite Greenland’s Icy Past

BPT – Hydroxychloroquine , Ivermectin & Artemisia Annua | Bible Prophecy Talk

Whitmer could face criminal charges over COVID deaths, prosecutor says

Australia health minister in hospital after vaccination but link ruled out

Julie Kelly at American Greatness: A Family on Trial for January 6

How to Deal with Crushing Vaccine FOMO



RRNews 221: Language is a Weapon

Kristi Noem has already sold out, you can get paid to podcast in Bitcoin. The Unites States drank too much last year. Citadel continues to get away with shenanigans, and Jen Psaki’s other sibling got a cushy job. Cuomo is still on the hot seat, and the weaponization of language continues.


Kristi Noem Celebrates International Women’s Day by Protecting Women’s Sports

Marnix the Podcaster 


Kitsap man confesses to assaulting Lynnwood minor

Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina

Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO)

Wow, We Sure Drank a Lot Last Year

EXC: Jen Psaki’s Sister Gets Cushy Government Job Despite Biden’s “No Family Members” Pledge.

Hang on to that COVID-19 vaccination card — it’s important

Andrew Cuomo’s family members were given special access to covid testing, according to people familiar with the arrangement





RRNews 220: Global 3D Chess with James Corbett

This week James Corbett, of The Corbett Report, joins Tim Kilkenny and Andrew Hoffman to discuss geopolitics, moral philosophy, decentralization, literary nonsense and many other things. Don’t miss this fun and informative conversation.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

Revelations Radio News

China says it is exercising self-restraint against Japanese ships near Senkakus

China and the New World Order

Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Another 25 Books You Should Read

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (pdf)

The Great Decoupling: How the West is Engineering its Own Downfall

How to Play 3D Chess

Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI

Bioethics and the New Eugenics

They Know What You Are (Now They’re Haggling Over the Price)

What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis

Corbett Report

Support James Corbett

Corbett Report on minds.com

Corbett Report on archive.org

Corbett Report on Bitchute

Corbett Report on LBRY.tv

Corbett Report on Youtube

Corbett Report on Youtube 2

RRNews 219: Mittens Has An Owie

One man’s trash is another man’s Ubuntu book. Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, do we have enough vaccines? Masks outside, Covid Passports for school and Oklahoma doesn’t like Biden or his executive orders. Kristi Noem is definitely being groomed, but by who? And Mittens has an owie.


Israeli Health Ministry: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’ • Children’s Health Defense

Don’t Be Alarmed by This COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effect That Could Be Confused With Breast Cancer

Over 60% of Russians don’t want Sputnik V vaccine, see coronavirus as biological weapon: Reuters poll

Covid Vaccine $

Los Angeles Covid Passport

Biden Gives $4 BILLION to WHO and Bill Gates for Global COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Annual Flu Deaths Scam Unwittingly Exposed and Replaced by the COVID Deaths Scam

Oklahoma Passes Bill To Block Biden Executive Orders and Could Be the Answer to Washington DC’s Tyranny – DJHJ Media

Noem Campaign Donations

NOEM, KRISTI LYNN – FollowTheMoney.org

Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem and Donald Trump: A GOP Alliance Brewing?

How Kristi Noem, Mt. Rushmore and Trump Fueled Speculation About Pence’s Job

Dozens of Eathquakes Mt. Hood

Massive 78% of Mail-In Ballots Proved Fraudulent, Judge Orders Election Do-Over. – The National Pulse

Cuomo chokes up, but won’t resign… Crocodile Tears

Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall

Episode 395 – Precedent Trump

So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? What, in other words, was Precedent Trump?

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).

Candidate Trump embraces “Lock Her Up” Chant

Candidate Trump to Hillary: “Because You’d Be in Jail!”

President Trump praises Bill and Hillary on inauguration day

President Trump: “That plays great before the election. Now we don’t care!”

“We’re gonna drain the swamp of Washington, we’re gonna have fun doing it.”

Trump appoints Bolton

“And we are going to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C.”

Trump appoints Pompeo

“We are going to DRAIN . . . THE . . . SWAMP!”

Trump appoints Giuliani

“It is time to drain . . . the swamp.”

Trump appoints Haspel

“NATO is obsolete, it’s old, it’s fat, it’s sloppy”

“And I said it’s obsolete”

“But they asked me about NATO, I said it’s obsolete”

“Recently I have said that NATO was obsolete.”

“It’s no longer obsolete.”

“We’ve destabilized the middle east and it’s a mess.”

Trump announces strikes on Syria

“The war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake.”

Trump’s speech on Afghanistan

Candidate Trump talks about vaccine/autism link

President Trump launches Operation Warp Speed

Bob Costas Talks with Vince McMahon About the #XFL​ 2001

Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump announce the Battle of the Billionaires

Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (radio script)

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (novel)

Hate Inc. by Matt Taibi

U.S. to pay World Health Organization more than $200 million by end of month

Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI

US officially rejoins the Paris climate accord

New Pacific Trade Deal Is Biden’s Road Back to the TPP

Unplugging From the Matrix – #SolutionsWatch

Former CIA official Jeremy Bash, now of NBC News

Austin Orders Military Stand Down to Address Challenge of Extremism in the Ranks

Proposed Bill Would Bar QAnon, Capitol Protestors from Cleared Positions

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming

Biden Administration Urged to Take Fresh Look at Domestic Terrorism

Cass Sunstein tapped to chair WHO technical advisory group

Cass Sunstein – Cognitive infiltration

RRNews 218: The Golden Age of Podcasting

You are the salt of the earth, so be salt to the rotting world. Trudeau doesn’t want you to go to church. Emmy Award winning Killer Cuomo is also super creepy. Ben Carson says the swamp stinks really bad and Sara Gonzales tells the truth about con-man Dr. Fauci. Yellen doesn’t like Bitcoin, and that might be exactly why it is gaining traction. And last but not least, the mainstream media still doesn’t understand podcasting.


Grace Life Canada

Alberta Premier asked to release jailed pastor, end religious persecution

The new normal in Alberta: pastors in jail for holding church services?

Can anyone moderate podcasts?

Opinion | The House That Rush Built

Peter Navarro blistering response to Marc Short interview…

Ben Carson dishes on the Swamp…

READ: Justice Thomas’s Blazing Dissent in Pennsylvania Election Case is One for the Ages

Sara Gonzales on Fauci

FBI Seized Congressional Cellphone Records Related to Capitol Attack

Yellen sounds warning about ‘extremely inefficient’ bitcoin

Robby Stack on Tiger Woods Crash

Trump Appeals Suspension to Rejoin Facebook, Instagram

Joe Biden, leader of the free world…

My story of working with Governor Cuomo

RRNews 217: Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform?


The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…

The Political Making of a Texas Power Outage

FBI, U.S. Attorney investigating Andrew Cuomo… Developing

Cuomo threatens Democrat Ron Kim over nursing home scandal: ‘You will be destroyed’

You Must Eat 100% Synthetic Beef, Says Bill Gates

Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic • Children’s Health Defense

“What If Bill Gates Disappeared?” – CREEPY Kids Video Praises Bill Gates as the Defender of the Earth’s Climate from Those Evil Fossil Fuels

Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic • Children’s Health Defense

Dave Chappelle Downplays Trump Reelection Fears | National Review

More on Biden’s 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night – This One Ballot Drop Was 73% of Biden Votes in the County — EXPLAIN THAT!

Mitch McConnell Deployed His Anti-Trump Ploy in The Exact Same Manner He Deployed Against The Tea Party… – The Last Refuge

Woman Arrested Near White House with Loaded Gun in Car, Letter for Biden

On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data

VCNV Has Closed – VCNV

Voat is Gone

The Digital Police State Is Being Institutionalized Throughout the Western World – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Unplugging From the Matrix – #SolutionsWatch

There are many things we can do to improve the way we use our devices: Using open source software, boycotting Google and other Big Tech monopolies, participating in distributed and decentralized networks, etc. But there’s a more fundamental question to answer: Are you in charge of your technology, or is it in charge of you? Could you unplug from your devices altogether? And, if so, for how long? Joining us to discuss this important question is Tim Kilkenny, one of the co-hosts of the Revelations Radio News podcast.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4

Revelations Radio News

RRNews 215: The real world?


Episode 332 – The Weaponization of Social Media

Facebook Ran A Huge Psychological Experiment On Users And Manipulated The Emotions Of 600,000 People

National Day of Unplugging

Andrew Sullivan: I Used to Be a Human Being

The New World Order and the Eugenics Wars: A Christian Perspective

RRNews 216: Bernie’s Consolation Mittens


Larry Johnson: Satan’s fall from heaven

The Occult Meaning of The Weeknd’s Super Bowl Performance

Former Chiefs RB Larry Johnson Claims The NFL Rigged The Super Bowl For The Bucs Because Tom Brady Is Member Of Occult

Sen. Bernie Sanders questions Biden Nominee Neera Tanden about corporate donations

Mike Bloomberg drops out of Democratic race after dismal Super Tuesday

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill • Children’s Health Defense

COVID immune response suspected in young doctor’s death

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: WHO’s COVID Investigator is Recipient of Chinese Communist Cash, Worked With Wuhan Lab for 18 Years.

Federal Judge Gives FBI Less Than 90 Days to Release ALL Seth Rich Information to Attorneys

How Covid-19 Could Give Kim Jong Un a Doomsday Weapon

Has Israel just found the cure for Covid? – ISRAEL21c

Alex Kearns died thinking he owed hundreds of thousands for stock market losses on Robinhood. His parents are set to sue over his suicide.

“What is the Great Reset?”: A Blatant Propaganda Video by the World Economic Forum

The Digital Police State Is Being Institutionalized Throughout the Western World – PaulCraigRoberts.org

RRNews 215: The real world?


Cell phone addiction – Short Movie

Video: Weirdo Bill Gates Calls For ‘Global Alert System’ Ahead Of ‘Next Pandemic’

Tim Dillon Tweet

Scientists Ominously Warn COVID Is Reducing Fertility

Biden pick for unemployment program lost $600M to Nigerian scammers

Hotep Jesus Tweet

Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine? • Children’s Health Defense

Myanmar: A Military Coup, International Narratives, Hillary, China and What MSM Isn’t Reporting – UncoverDC

China Admits — We didn’t isolate the virus…

As raging flu epidemic spreads, Sanofi Pasteur targets more effective cell-based universal vaccine

What Bill Gates Fears Most

Masking the Science

Deagal 2025 Stats

Andrew Sullivan: My Distraction Sickness — and Yours

The real reason Wall Street is terrified of the GME situation

“This Is For You, Dad”: Redditor Shares Heartbreaking Reason For Destroying Short-Sellers In WSB Raids

Analysis: How Trumpism explains the GameStop stock surge

We Have Some Bad News For Gamestop Shorts | ZeroHedge

Rand Paul on Election

‘Dark Money’ Helped Pave Joe Biden’s Path to the White House

In Pictures: Ten Arrested During Toronto Lockdown Protest

Broad Coalition of Health and Technology Industry Leaders Announce Vaccination Credential Initiative to Accelerate Digital Access to COVID-19 Vaccination Records

A QAnon ‘Digital Soldier’ Marches On, Undeterred by Theory’s Unraveling

‘A hill worth dying on’: Expert explains how aborted baby cells taint COVID vaccines

The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming