RRNews 337: MRNA RIP

Pants as payment, strange audio issues, and is Alex Jones the next Taylor Swift? No one wants the MRNA “Vaccines” but not because they are chocked full of foreign DNA. And Andrew Returns as the internet’s #1 Copper Man!!!

Producers of RRNews 337:

Intro Song courtesy of Witness the Light Music

Danny – Medford, OR
Matty B – Australia
Reno – Texas


Nobody – but nobody – wants mRNA jabs anymore

@SenSchumer yesterday about the importance of getting vaccinated!

RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left

‘Was Israel’s Military Ordered to ‘Stand Down’ Amid Hamas Attack? Charlie Kirk, Others Question Mainstream Narrative’ (American Faith News); if so, this has serious implications

Free Reiner Fuellmich!

The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know

MRNA is on a Major Losing Streak

ummm……. why are my tax dollars going towards bombing Christian hospitals in the middle east?

Dr. Peter Hotez Receives Inaugural IDSA Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award | Texas Children’s Hospital


Yesterday I announced my exit from the Democratic Party to run as an independent candidate for President. Here is what that means:


0:03:55 A Canceled Water System and an Apology
0:05:07 Sizing confusion and shopping spree
0:07:19 A Surprising Encounter with a Generous Stranger
0:08:43 A Hot Room and the Need for Fresh Air
0:12:27 Clean Feed and Skype – Different Platforms for Podcasting
0:16:04 Comparing Postmodern Entertainment with Burmese Renditions
0:23:47 Speculation about hidden knowledge at the CIA
0:27:05 Decline in demand for mRNA vaccines and financial impact
0:28:50 Travis Kelsey’s questionable actions and vaccine endorsement
0:31:53 Questioning the need for flu shots
0:35:52 Anthrax vaccine licensing and requirements for deployment
0:39:11 Arrest and Confinement of the Scientist
0:42:48 Mysterious Deaths and Vaccine Statistics
0:46:15 Strange DNA in Vaccines and Genetic Manipulation Concerns
0:51:39 Concerns over Border Security and Potential Terrorist Threats
1:00:09 Introducing a new girl to family; military memories shared.
1:00:42 Introduction to Charlie Kirk’s Conspiracy Theories
1:04:17 Speculations and Forbes Article on Conspiracy Theories
1:07:13 The Israel 9-11 Conspiracy Theory
1:10:01 Daniel or Ganser: Exposing the American Empire
1:14:04 Thanking People and Playing a Random Twitter Health Video
1:19:28 Appreciating the Generous Donors

AI Generated Show Notes:

In this episode, my co-host Andrew Hoffman and I cover a wide range of topics. We begin by discussing the Oklahoma weather and share an amusing story about Andrew receiving payment in the form of pants. A kind customer gave Andrew two pairs of high-quality khaki pants, two dress shirts, and a sweater, which leads us to talk about the brand Bill’s Khakis and its unique material.

We then address some audio issues raised by our listeners and speculate on the potential causes, such as computer updates and software infiltration. We also compare our experiences with those of other podcasters who have faced similar challenges. As a lighthearted aside, we joke about James Corbett using Skype for his podcast.

Shifting gears, we bring up a popular YouTube channel featuring Alex Jones singing various songs, including a Taylor Swift track. While we acknowledge it as a postmodern form of entertainment, we both agree that previous renditions were better. We have a playful moment when Andrew admits to being unfamiliar with the song, and I confess my inability to name six words from a Taylor Swift track.

Next, we delve into recent developments surrounding mRNA vaccines and the declining demand for boosters. We mention an accidental tweet by Mandy Cohen, the director of the CDC, revealing the low uptake of the mRNA Omicron booster. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in demand and financial consequences for Pfizer. We express skepticism about the potentially misleading nature of clinical trial results and the decreasing effectiveness of vaccine commercials.

From there, we venture into a discussion about the presence of foreign DNA in some vaccine vials and the potential health implications. This segues into a conversation about transgender individuals and the injection of DNA from someone of the opposite sex.

Our skepticism extends to the medical community’s understanding of genetic manipulation and the potential risks involved. We touch on the waning popularity of mRNA vaccines and speculate that other events like a nuclear incident or a large bomb detonation may overshadow the ongoing COVID pandemic.

The topic then shifts to the border situation, where we entertain the idea of deception leading to a terror attack. We question the legitimacy of an individual’s arrest regarding financial fraud and ponder possible ulterior motives. We also mention the shutdown of platforms such as Neva and the reorganization of articles in Instapaper.

Moving on, we discuss the tension in Israel and the conspiracy theories surrounding the knowledge of coordinated attacks by the Israeli government. We note Charlie Kirk’s role in spreading these theories and Forbes’ response to a YouTube podcast on the matter.

Throughout the episode, we touch on various subjects, including Tsarnaev, John Hinckley, and James Corbett. We also share podcasts we’ve been listening to, exchange music preferences, and briefly touch on the topic of the Earth’s shape. We play a clip about the thyroid and express our gratitude to our listeners and donors.

Furthermore, we delve into the lesser-known fact about the thyroid gland and challenge the diagnosis of hypothyroidism when the thyroid only produces 20% of a specific hormone called T3. We highlight the importance of B vitamins in supporting the conversion of T4 to T3 and the restoration of thyroid function. Additionally, we briefly mention the significance of B12 and niacin and share views from a copper advocate on B vitamins.

In closing, we express our gratitude to our listeners and send well wishes. We end the episode with a verse of the day and discuss the practice of starting the day on our knees. I extend my thanks to Andrew for joining me, and we both express our appreciation to everyone who has tuned in.

RRNews 330: Golden Foil Kill Box

Baseball games are fun, inflation is not. The Maui electric company says that they din’t start the fire, which makes us wonder who did? Was Lahaina a soft Kill Box? Government control during emergencies never seems to actually help. Are lock downs coming again? Tune in as we share our personal views and concerns about these issues.

Producers of RRNews 330:

Intro Song courtesy of Witness the Light Music

Show Artwork: Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Danny – Medford, OR
Jason – Menominee, MI
Anonymous – Parts Unknown
Theo – Canada
Suzanne – Southern CA The Armpit of the West
Chris – West Georgia Mountains
Risky – Parts Unknown
Khyle – Newton, MA
Robin – Parts Unknown
Tom – Germany
Garden City Ranchers – Garden City, MO


RRNews Telegram GroupInterview 1829 – Geopolitics and Empire with Hrvoje Morić – The Corbett Report

The Road to Totalitarianism – Part 3

Hawaiian Electric says power lines were shut off hours before wildfire

Japan’s X-ray satellite, ‘Moon Sniper’ lunar lander are ready to launch | CNN

Treating Lyme Disease and Co-Infections: A Molecular Biologist’s Journey & Getting Better With Ivermectin!

Interview 1829 – Geopolitics and Empire with Hrvoje Morić – The Corbett Report

Lahaina, a Modern-Day Pearl Harbor

How that “wildfire” so PRECISELY burned out Maui’s poorer residents—who may now be “resettled” in a “15-minute city” (Schwabspeak for “concentration camp”)

Schools in Kentucky, Texas cancel classes as students, staff test positive for COVID – LifeSite

Rams QB Matthew Stafford struggles to connect with teammates ‘because he’s so old,’ per his wife

The Grapes of Maui

AI Generated Show Notes:

In this episode, my co-host Andrew Hoffman and I start off by sharing our exciting experience at a baseball game in Oklahoma City. We were fortunate enough to get VIP treatment and amazing seats behind home plate, courtesy of a kind lady with season tickets for 25 years. We also discuss our not-so-pleasant trip to a game in Detroit, where we encountered overpriced everything and learned about the less-than-ideal behavior of legendary outfield player Ty Cobb.

Shifting gears, we dive into a discussion about environmental hazards. We highlight the mishandling of radioactive material and the improper disposal of vinyl chloride, expressing concerns about bioaccumulation and the dangers of ingesting radioactive substances through the food chain. We also explore the manipulation of media by intelligence agencies, specifically mentioning instances where the CIA and Pentagon lied about the use of poison gas in Syria. We reference Tucker Carlson’s interview on this topic and examine the influence of defense and intelligence analysts in the media.

Taking a brief detour, we touch on the topic of aliens and government suppression of information. This leads us into a conversation about intelligence agencies and their involvement in election rigging. We express concerns about their unchecked power, the lack of oversight, and even bring up the controversial CIA involvement in the assassination of a US president. In a more lighthearted moment, we briefly discuss the use of gold foil in the moon landing and delve into satellite technology.

Moving on, we discuss the power line fire in Maui and raise suspicions about Hawaiian Electric’s involvement. We question the official story and express our concerns about the lack of help and support for those affected by disasters. In a related context, we mention the term “kill box” and its origin during the Gulf War, where it was used to divide the theater of war and minimize American casualties.

As the conversation progresses, we touch on the possibility of a totalitarian government taking control and manipulating communication channels during emergencies. We express concerns about the potential disablement of communications and the occurrence of various forms of violence, including shootings and the exploitation of natural disasters. We also briefly discuss climate change and how it could be used to restrict people’s movements.

Adding to the conversation, we highlight the negative impact of COVID-19 restrictions, specifically the isolation faced by elderly care facilities and hospitals. We also mention the potential misuse of masks in human trafficking. Finally, we discuss the resurgence of COVID-19 cases and the possibility of future lockdowns, expressing a degree of skepticism about the true motivations behind such measures.

Throughout this episode, Andrew and I share our personal views on these various topics and express our concerns about the actions of government agencies.