RRNews 266: The Dead Internet Wags the Dog

Are we really at war, or is the “dead internet” trying to convince us that we are at war? The Ghost of Kiev will stop the Russian Air Force, Ms. Ukraine is taking up arms, the Snake Island guys say eff off to Russia and Putin is the reason for inflation?


Audio production courtesy of Witness the Light Music
Danny – Medford, OR
John – Swallowfield, Berkshire UK
Chris – Edgerton, MO
Emelie – Highlands Ranch, CO
Luke – Nevada, IA


Maybe You Missed It, but the Internet ‘Died’ Five Years Ago

Shippers Cut Off Russia

The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

Btw they changed the spelling from “Kiev” to “Kyiv” so…

The First Casualty of War is Truth

Ukraine President Says He’s Been “Left Alone”


War propaganda works by making you too mad

Now that COVID’s over, we’re all getting blasted with fake news about Ukraine—and it’s working

Ukraine says high-rise residential building shelled in Kiev

I have no issue with people who disagree with me on foreign policy.

The Pfizer Data in FDA Approval Request

9-11 Kevin updated the title & description of his video

Schwab ❤️ Kissinger

Looming Crisis for Global Stock Market

Crypto Wars

Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA

Whistling past the mRNA vaccine graveyard

Bill Gates continues to advocate strict lockdowns

Dr. Al Falkenstein’s Rare Fruit Garden

Stock market news today: Dow and S&P 500 updates

Suffer the children

r/conspiracy – The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a staged war, and is the next step of The Great Reset.

FBI’s Operation to Infiltrate Right-Wing Extremist Groups Lies at Center of Transparency Lawsuit

A NOBLE LIE (Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 Documentary)

Episode 140 – Requiem for the Suicided: Terrance Yeakey