Allegory of the Monk

There once lived a sincere and devout monk. In his search to gain clarity he entered the woods
and lived as a hermit for a couple years. During that time he read scriptures, philosophies, and
theologies about life, God and man’s place in the world. After spending so much time apart he
realized that true spirituality cannot be obtained alone, for the body is not just the head, or the
foot, or arm. True spirituality is the body together glorifying God. So with this epiphany he left
his hut and carried his books and few other belongings back to the city from whence he came.
Upon reaching the city it did not take long for him to realize that much had changed in the
years he had been absent from civilization. First of all, people seemed to be wary of making
eye contact. Then he noticed that people seemed to be very suspicious of him and move
away when he tried to shake hands or talk. Finally, he noticed that they seemed to cover their
faces, perform ritualistic hand ceremonies, and demand to see evidence that he had performed
a blood ritual. Confused by the this new world that he had stumbled upon he struggled to
make sense of what he beheld. Had he been gone that long? What was the meaning of the
customs he witnessed? Surely, clarity could be found among the people of God, after all this is
why he had returned, to be a part of the Body.
Slowly walking the streets he took inventory of his surroundings. The traffic seemed to be the
same, the houses similar, and the dogs barked with the same incessant excitement as always.
What was the reason for the customs he had observed among the people he encountered?
Finally, he arrived at his old residence. There he engaged with a brother who welcomed him
back, although he remained far off, resisted an embrace, and he too hid his face and glared at
the hermit-monk incredulously. The words seemed genuine although the behaviour betrayed
the positive remarks.
“Well then, shall gather with the church?” inquired the hermit-monk.
“Certainly!” was the reply. “However, much has changed since you wandered off, and it would
be appreciated if you followed the protocols now established.”
“I shall do my best, although I have noticed several things I do not understand and if you’d be
so kind to enlighten me on the why each custom is done I would be truly grateful.”
The two started out but right off the civilized monk informed the hermit monk that he must
cover his face before they could proceed together. Confused why he should partake in such a
custom the hermit-monk – whose name in fact was Joshua – puzzled “do not be offended my
dear fellow, but why is it that I must adorn this article upon my face?’
The civilized monk – whose name in fact was Eli – patiently explained that since he had
abandoned society, a great and terrible virus had come upon not only their city but the entire
world. Fearing to accidentally contract or transmit this disease required many reasonable
measures such as covering their face.
“So it is our of fear of this virus that we must do this? What is the disease’s name?” Joshua
“The virus’s name is SARS-CoV-2, but we simply refer to it by its disease name COVID,”
responded Eli, quite happy to bring his ignorant friend up to speed.
“So it is for the fear of Covid then, that we wear the mask?” Joshua summarized.
“In a simplified way, sure,’ retorted Eli.
When they arrived at the place of worship, many changes were in place. The sign out front
said the all welcome for the first service, although very limited numbers would be allowed, but
the second service would have no such limitations on numbers, as long as you could prove a
blood ritual had been performed. But why the blood ritual?
“It is to ensure you do not pass the virus.”
“But I thought the face coverings did that?”
“This is better.”
“Then you haven’t had the ritual, since you still cover your face?”
“Of course I have done the blood ritual, I love my neighbour. But you can still transmit the virus
even with the blood ritual, so you must still cover your face.”
“Hmm”, mused Joshua. “Well then I am glad we are at the first meeting for I am unfamiliar with
this sacrifice.”
“Present your fore-head or hand,” instructed the greeter pointing a temperature gun at Joshua.
“Is this for fear of Covid as well?” the hermit-monk surmised.
“Greetings brother!” Shouted Joshua as tried to embrace an old friend.
“Six feet!” came the rebuke.
“For the fear of Covid?”
Finally it was time to for the music to begin. Joshua was so excited to participate in corporate
worship having spent so much time in isolation. He jumped to his feet and belted out the
“Quiet!” Eli scolded. “You are not allowed to sing any longer.”
“For the fear of COVID I presume?”
The message repeated strange concepts hypnotically repeating terms like “new normal”,
“pandemic” and the “greater good” with a duty of compliance to these concepts as a form of
rendering unto Caesar. The justification for all this was the fear of COVID. After the message
the breaking of bread was mentioned but not partaken for, the fear of COVID. Finally, all
attendants ensured little conversation was undertaken indoors for, the fear of COVID.
The walk back to the house Joshua remained very silent (something he was accustomed to
doing but was surprised to find that even after not speaking with someone for so long he could
not engage in much discourse with his friend). Later that evening he sombrely approached his
“Who is it you serve and dedicate your life too?” Joshua asked the civilized monk.
“Why God alone, of course,” Eli replied.
“Your lips honour him, but your heart is far from him. You are a white-washed tomb, you are
sterile and serene but I see death and decay inside. You claim to serve God alone, but I ask
you. All the actions you did or didn’t do today that once were, they were for the fear of COVID
were they not?” Implored Joshua.
“Yes, in a manner of speaking I suppose so,” Eli conceded.
“Well then, Deuteronomy 32:17 says ‘They offered sacrifices to demons, which are not God, to
gods they had not known before, to new gods only recently arrived, to gods their ancestors
had never feared.’ You fear this, recently arrived god. You cover your face, distance yourself,
refuse to embrace, segregate the congregation, restrict singing in the congregation, demand
proof of blood rituals, don’t partake in the Lord’s supper, and on-and-on, for the fear of COVID.
I assure you had the body of Christ’s Fear of the Lord been a fraction of its Fear of COVID the
great commission would have been accomplished many times over. Deuteronomy 32:5-6
declares ““But they have acted corruptly toward him when they act so perversely, are they
really his children? They are a deceitful and twisted generation. Is this the way you repay the
LORD, you foolish and senseless people? Isn’t he your Father who created you? Has he not
made you and established you?’ Also, Isaiah 10:1,2 “Woe to those who enact unjust statutes
And to those who constantly record harmful decisions, So as to deprive the needy of justice
And rob the poor among My people of their rights,’. Proverbs 10:27 ‘The fear of the LORD
prolongs life, But the years of the wicked will be shortened.’”
Eli clearly appalled by the anti-science and ignorant tone, answered with the mantra he had
been taught for such occasions. “You’re a conspiracy theorists and cannot be trusted!”
“‘Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor
be in dread.’ Isaiah 8:12. You are not to dread and fear what they fear, for ‘For God hath not
given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7’ You
think by complying you will attain your freedom, do you not know these are “promising them
freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what anyone is overcome, by
this he is enslaved. 2 Peter 2:19 ‘Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He
Himself likewise also partook of the same, so that through death He might destroy the one who
has the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who through fear of death were
subject to slavery all their lives.’ Hebrews 2:14-15 Why do you return to your vomit when Christ
has destroyed the power of death you choose to return to Egypt and be subject to slavery all
your life through the fear of death? “Fear of the LORD is a life-giving fountain; it offers escape
from the snares of death.’ Proverbs 14:27. Where is this live-giving fountain? It is the only
escape from the snare of death, Fear of the Lord and not fear of the this recently arrived god.
But I do no say these things to accuse rather it is Christ who says ‘These things I have spoken
to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I
have overcome the world.’ John 16:33”. ‘To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our
Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.’
Jude 1:25

Self-Sufficient Healthcare (for Covid)

By:  Terry Hart

If you are staying informed about what has been occurring in US hospitals in recent months, you will have heard many nightmarish first-hand accounts of deadly mistreatment and neglect.  Thankfully, there are a minority of courageous doctors that truly care about people who are saying that we should do everything in our power to avoid hospital “care”.[i]  As with almost all aspects of our lives these days, healthcare is one area where you would be wise to work toward being as self-sufficient as possible.  This begins with getting informed about how to stay healthy and what to do when you get sick.  My prayer is that you or someone you love will be helped by this article about my recent success in achieving a remarkably quick recovery from a serious illness.  Of course, human health is extremely complex, and there is no way to be sure that what heals one person will heal others in the same way.  It would be ideal to not only do your own health research, but also to work with a Naturopathic Doctor and possibly a trusted MD that is referred to you by your ND.

Before going into the details of how I recovered so quickly from my recent illness, I should share some of what led up to it.  I learned decades ago to not have complete trust in what my many doctors (at least dozen of them) were telling me.  In the 1990s I began to suffer from ulcerative colitis.  My mother who was an attorney, was also spending countless hours becoming an expert in natural healthcare.  She recommended that I take MSM (a sulfur supplement) to help with my serious digestive condition.  It did help me, especially when I worked my way up to taking an extra-large dose of 10k to 15k milligrams (4-5 times the standard dose).  After a few weeks of this I noticed a few additional health effects.  I had increased energy, for the first time ever I had no hay fever in the spring, and most amazingly I experienced what seemed to permanent healing of my scarred lungs.  My lungs were scarred from two previous winters of getting pneumonia and bronchitis.  Supposedly, once you have gotten a serious lung infection like pneumonia or bronchitis you will always be more likely to get these infections again due to the scars left by the previous congestion.  The softening and healing of scar tissue is a known effect of MSM.  I believe that the damage to my lungs was healed because I felt like I could breathe deeper than ever; every breath now felt like I was intentionally taking a deep breath of cool air.  Also, for the following 22 years I never even got a bad cough, and previously I don’t think I had ever gone much more than a year or two without getting a bad cough.  I learned two great lessons from this MSM experience.  First, I could not trust my doctors to always have the knowledge or motivation to do what was best for me.  Second, that there was potentially great benefit by researching and trying some things on my own.  It also became clear to me that if MSM was not a low-cost supplement, but was patentable by big pharma, then it would have immediately been well known and at the top of the list of best-selling drugs.  One word of caution about MSM—it is a mild pain killer and when you consider the energy boosting effect, you need to be careful about injuring yourself with too much physical activity if taking a high dose.  Also, if you decide to try it, be sure to start with a minimal dose to be sure you tolerate it since some people do not react well to sulfur.  If this anecdote is not encouraging enough for you to keep searching for answers, let me tell you that my colitis came back with a vengeance several years later, and this time MSM did not help.  I saw many GI doctors that told me that I had to expect lifelong medication and maybe even surgery to manage my symptoms.  I kept resisting both solutions by trying alternatives.  It was at the point where I had almost given up any hope of finding any solution when a nutritionist joined my church and let me know about the SCD Diet.[ii]  One year of following this strict diet, about 12 years ago, has permanently cured my colitis.  Sadly, I remember asking at least one GI doctor if diet had anything to do with my problem and I was told that food choices had nothing to do with colitis, and not surprisingly none of my GI doctors promoted diet change as a way to help my condition.    

Fast forwarding to the Covid years–I managed to get through all of 2020 and most of this year without any significant illness.  However, after flying back from Florida in late August I got sick with something that surprisingly infected my lungs.  All of my usual methods like taking good doses of quality supplements were not helping.  I even took HCQ for 5 days just in case is was Covid, but without a noticeable effect.  Based on my symptoms, it seems that I had walking pneumonia (according to my Prescription for Nutritional Healing book[iii]).  It worsened to the point where I could not walk at normal pace without great difficulty breathing.  I had heard from a few trusted sources that many who were sick with Covid were having success with nebulizers and diffusers (or humidifiers) by adding food grade hydrogen peroxide to the water.  With just a little searching online I found an informative article that included measurements for creating a concentration of 0.1% hydrogen peroxide in saline.[iv]  This information comes from Dr. Joseph Mercola who is someone I’ve been buying high quality supplements from and reading for many years.  He was the first one listed on the “Disinformation Dozen” according to the pharma-funded media, so I take this as a strong endorsement that he is a valuable source truth about health.  As described in the article, I created my own saline by simply adding on teaspoon of sea salt to 1 pint of water.  I was not able to find a nebulizer at a local store, so I opted for a humidifier so that I could get started immediately.  After about an hour of reading reviews and specs I decided that the best option was the cool mist ultrasonic version.[v]   A nebulizer would probably work even faster since the nebulized air is breathed in directly and sealed with a face covering.  This is inconvenient to do for a long period of time, whereas the humidifier in an enclosed bedroom will allow you to breathe the therapeutic hydrogen peroxide infused saline mist as long as you stay in the room and keep the humidifier replenished with H peroxide saline solution.  When the humidifier tank is completely filled, it will run for well over 8 hours, so I just filled it and let it run with my bedroom door closed when I went to sleep each night.  After the first night of doing this my breathing and cough were about 60-70% better.  After the second night I was about 90% back to normal.  I did 2-3 more nights for good measure since toward the evening of each day my cough start coming back.  So, in 4-5 days I went from dangerous shortness of breath and an uncontrollable cough to full recovery.  I am not sure what the mist looks like if you use only water in the machine, but with the H peroxide saline solution you will notice that a very dense fog is created, and it has a bit of a smell.  Also, be aware that some smoke alarms will be triggered by this fog.  I should note that for most of the last two decades I’ve been taking an MSM maintenance does of 1,000 to 3,000 mg.  Briefly during my recent illness I bumped that up to 10,000 mg, but since MSM is very slow to work, I believe that this higher temporary high dose was not responsible for my sudden recovery.  MSM takes several days if not weeks to have a cumulative effect, and the effects continue for at least several days if you completely stop taking it.







[vi] Interestingly and Providentially, after writing this article about self-sufficient healthcare I received the monthly newsletter from my favorite source for natural health research and the lead article is titled Be Your Own Doctor: Keeping Lungs Healthy.  I do not take this as a coincidence.  The newsletter is The Blaylock Wellness Report from Dr. Russell Blaylock.  I highly recommend anything written by him.  He is a neurosurgeon and an expert in natural health, especially nutrition and supplementation.  Dr. Russell Blaylock is a Christian and he often writes about the corporate and government corruption in relation to healthcare, including the dangers of all vaccinations. 

How and why we must destroy the enemy’s weapon of mask deception.

By: Terry Hart

My primary concerns about mask wearing are not related to efficacy. There may be some rare circumstances where mask wearing hinders contagion. However, since there is so much evidence showing that mask wearing causes harm, the obvious conclusion is that mask mandates are not about health, especially when you consider the many flip-flops and inconsistencies with the mandates (e.g., it is acceptable to remove your mask when sitting, eating, speaking, very little said about the quality of masks, etc.).

Almost everything related to the mainstream COVID 19 story has been a lie. (See a very abbreviated list of the lies in the end notes.) Although some of these deceptions have recently been more widely revealed and corrected, there has been precious little accountability for those who were promoting incorrect information and no slowing of the overwhelming push to get everyone on planet injected with this new experimental technology. I believe that our compliance to the mask mandates was the key turning point in the building of this worldwide deception. Masks are the cornerstone deception that must be destroyed.

I am convinced that mask mandates are a very effective means of controlling the masses, and I see them as a spiritual attack. In fact, in all human history I cannot think of a better example of the minds of most of the world’s population being so effectively influenced as they have been by mass compliance to this mask-uerade. Yes, you might argue that mass media propaganda has recently had more success in getting much of the world to believe in lies, but an insidious effect of the masks is that it results in us participating in and promoting this propaganda. If there is one thing that has a more powerful influence than the media, it is our example. It has been proven in experimental studies that just one additional non-compliant person in a crowd of the compliant thoroughly protects the non-compliant from participating in a lie promoted by the crowd. Every time we cover our faces, whether proudly or shamefully, we are powerfully broadcasting to those around us that we agree with the irrational and exaggerated fear pushed by the pharma-funded corporate media.

The all-sufficient Word of God always has the answers we need, and the solutions for every circumstance. There is one historical account given in the Old Testament that is so vital, that God recorded it for us in great detail three times. It is the account of the terrifying and unstoppable Assyrian army poised to overthrow Jerusalem (2 Kings 18-19, 2 Chron 32, Is 36). The Assyrians, represented by Rab-shakeh, attempted to convince king Hezekiah and the Jews to surrender. Surrender to the enemy must have seemed like the easy way out against an army that had already devastated many nations. Why resist and die the slow painful death of starvation under siege, or perhaps a quick death in battle? Why not take the easy way out and least survive, though it be under the oppressive rule of the enemy? The good and righteous king knew that it was not God’s will to give in to the enemy. It may be that God also wants us risk everything rather than to submit to a life of oppression. We must keep in mind that our resistance is not so much against any person in authority, it is against the Devil himself (Eph 6:12, James 4:7), who just uses people to do his will. In an attempt to persuade Hezekiah and the Jews to surrender, Rab-shakeh used all of the usual tactics of the enemy. He told many monstrous and potentially destructive lies (2 Kings 18:22, 25, 29-30, 19:10). He used mass communication to get his deception broadcasted loud and clear to the public (sound familiar?) (2 Kings 18:26-28). He used fear (2 Kings 18:27, 33-35, 19:10-13) to attempt to terrorize them into submission. He tried to get them to distrust a good spiritual leader (2 Kings 18:29) and to distrust God (2 Kings 18:30, 19:10). He tempts them by offering something that is seemingly better than their current condition (Much like a return to life as we knew it, if we would only get the jab!) (2 Kings 18:31-32). This last tactic may be the most important one. I believe that Satan’s final and great temptation for the soon coming end of this age will be the same as his original temptation in Eden. At the heart of the temptation was convincing Eve that God was withholding something better, which she did not currently possess–“your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. Adam and Eve should have been patient and content with what God had given them up to that point in time. The Assyrian enemy tempted God’s people to surrender in a similar way when he said, “Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine,” (2 Kings 18:32). Here the Devil was tempting them to forsake their God given inheritance, their own land. In a similar way, I believe we are now just beginning the process of being tempted to forsake our God given immune systems, which operates by the DNA that God gave us, and to replace it with technologically altered DNA. There is some debate about whether any of the current COVID shots change our DNA, but whether they do or not, I think it is very likely that future booster shots, or some similar technology, will in fact change our genetics. There are many reasons, both Biblical and extra-Biblical, that we should reject the abominable idea that it is beneficial to tamper with God’s creation in this way.

What is the solution to our current dilemma? We should follow Hezekiah’s example in two ways, and trust that God will give the victory to His people according to His perfect plan. First, we should not comply with the enemy and lead others to do the same, as Hezekiah did (2 Kings 18:36). We must not believe the lies being told, we must not give in to fear, and we must not make a deal with the Devil who promises that he has something better for us than what God has given, and especially what He will soon give us. Secondly, we must humble ourselves and pray to God as Hezekiah did. If there is a way of escape from our current distress other than through death or the Rapture, it will be through non-compliance and prayer.



  • Initially the death rate for this disease was said to be quite high. This was useful to promote fear, but as the testing increased, the death rate was revealed to be far below 1%. So, the pharma-funded medial narrative changed from a focus on death rate to the increasing number of cases.
  • The COVID death numbers were vastly overstated. A large percentage of those who supposedly died from COVID, really died with COVID. The CDC admitted that 94% of COVID deaths had other “health conditions and contributing causes.”( Meaning that only 6% can be said to have died from COVID alone, and many of the 94% may have survived COVID if they did not have other contributing serious health conditions, including extreme old age.
  • The faulty PCR test—Until May 1st 2021 the CDC considered any positive test result with a PCR test run up to 40 cycles to be a case of COVID. This was criticized by experts who said that the max should be 30-35 cycles since tests with more than this number would be 97% false positives. As of May 1st, the CDC changed their policy to a much more accurate 28 cycles, but only for those who have received the COVID jab.( ) The result is that many false positives going forward will be attributed to those who have not had the COVID shot and will give a false impression of the effectiveness of the shot.
  • The widespread censoring of information (COVID symptoms prevented and cured by many safe and effective drugs & supplements; avoidance of the natural immunity topic) that proves that there was really no need to even create a